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This is a worker that will listen to a queue from RabbitMQ, converts the images specified in the message and post a message to the given exchange about the result.


    1. Have imagemagic installed
    2. if you want sshfs mounts eg. use destination_server or source_sever make sure to have the ssh keys installed with ssh-copy-id
    3. To make sshfs wpork faster  edit ~/.ssh/config and add

          ControlMaster auto
          ControlPath /tmp/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r


Simply check out this repository and run:

    [sudo] python3 install [--record files.txt]


You can run the worker by executing the following command:

     [-h] [--broker_ip BROKER_IP]
                  [--incoming_queue INCOMING_QUEUE]
                  [--result_exchange RESULT_EXCHANGE]
                  [--result_routing RESULT_ROUTING] [--username USERNAME]
                  [--password PASSWORD] [--broker_port BROKER_PORT]
                  [--result_queue RESULT_QUEUE] [--topic_type TOPIC_TYPE]

Information about every parameter can be consulted with:

    sharpener -h

The worker can be configured with a jp2worker.conf file that has be located in /etc/viaa-workers. If it doesn't exists the command line arguments will be used. You can use command line arguments to overrule property values.

BROKER_IP=                #The ip of the RabbitMQ Broker
BROKER_PORT=5672                        #The port of the RabbitMQ Broker, comment out if not needed. This will default to 5672
INCOMING_QUEUE=incoming_queue           #The name of the queue the worker will listen to
RESULT_EXCHANGE=result_exchange         #The name of result exchange where the worker will publish its result messages to
RESULT_ROUTING=result_routing           #The name of the routing key to be used to publish messages
RESULT_QUEUE=result_queue               #The name of the result queue if this doesn't exist yet. Comment out if not needed
TOPIC_TYPE=direct                       #The name of the topic type for the result queue. Comment out if not needed
USERNAME=guest                          #The username to access the RabbitMQ broker
PASSWORD=guest                          #The password to access the RabbitMQ broker

#TODO optional add a user to mount the dirs (defaults to tcochet) so make sure the user tcochet has read permissions on source and write on destination


example message:



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