🔭 I'm currently working on DSA.
👯 I'm looking to collaborate on Rust & Systems Programming.
🤝 I'm looking for help with Edge AI
🌱 I'm currently learning Robotics.
💬 Ask me about Web-Dev.
⚡Fun fact "Apple’s iPhone has more computing power than NASA’s computers during the moon landing."
🤝 Mentor @HackMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
🤝 Mentor @GSSoC
class WhoAmI:
user = 'Vishesh Rawal'
current_work = 'Writing code'
hobbies = [
'Watching Sci-Fi Movies and Series',
'Reading Novels'
'Being up all Night chasing that ONE BUG...'
def getCity():
return Udaipur_India()
def Ambitions():
# Assume 1000 more awesome ambitions here ;)