Generates GraphQL Schemas And Resolvers for Neo4j Database from Neo4j Database structure.
Server Start Command nohup nodemon ./example/graphql-tools/server.js --exec babel-node -e js </dev/null &
- ULTIMATE COMMAND PARSER - Pass anything it will return related data - /search
- Translate basic GraphQL queries to Cypher on route - graphql
- GraphQL UI - /graphiql
Pass Node name only in string
param in body. e.g. Passing "Employee" will return all employees with their related sublevel data
e.g. Passing "Employee James Bond" This will return related nodes and their data related to that value.
e.g. Passing "James Bond" will return all nodes along with their related data which contains provided value.
e.g. Passing "Employee James Bond items" will return all item nodes along with their data
e.g. Passing "Who has procurement code 63G?" will return nodes with data related to procurement code with provided value
Well, thats all! Feel free to ask any questions.
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