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visualfc edited this page May 7, 2013 · 4 revisions

LiteIDE update changes log

Update logs

2013.5.8 Ver x18

  • English spelling and grammar corrections throughout, thanks for Nik-U
  • LiteIDE:
    • Improved event log
  • litefind:
    • Find/Replace commands highlight existing text
    • enable find file
    • add close button
  • liteeditor:
    • Word wrap support
    • Added option to trim whitespace on save
    • Added option to hide edit toolbar
    • update kate and color scheme
    • fix kate/highlight tab
    • fix editor indent guide by tabsize
  • liteapp:
    • fix full screen bug
  • litebuild:
    • execute use combbox
    • add close button
  • litedebug:
    • add close button
  • markdown:
    • enable markdown(sundown) extend

2013.2.8 Ver x17

  • LiteIDE:
    • move execute from filesystem to bottom tool
    • escape for any bottom tool window (find , execute ...)
    • macosx lion full screen
    • add color theme highcontrastdark.xml and app theme black.qss, thanks for addxtoy
    • add tr liteide_de.ts , thanks for Helge Plaschke
    • fix keybord scheme
  • liteeditor:
    • show tab ident guide
    • show find scope expression
    • show selection scope expression
    • show file eof - option
    • show line wrap (markdown editor)
    • update current line color
    • any time focus if need
    • fix zoom tab width
    • fix open file cursor position start
    • fix set color theme not request restart
  • markdown:
    • fix export path
  • filesystem:
    • fix double clicked item and execute
  • litedebug:
    • save/restore start editor
    • fix breakpoint move in editor
    • fix debug target args
  • litefind:
    • new find and replace
    • fix find editor and unfold
    • fix backword find
  • litebuild:
    • add test bench
  • document:
    • enable zoom font size Ctrl++/Ctrl+-/Ctrl+0
    • fix find crash
  • gopath setup:
    • fix invalid path

2013.1.16 Ver x16

  • support keybord mapping scheme
  • fix: lookup go command in $PATH
  • fix: remove GOBIN enviroment set
  • fix: empty editor cursor position
  • fix: double click error output to jump source and editor set focus

2013.1.10 Ver x15.2

  • LiteIDE:
    • use new logo and icon
    • support go version hg-tip
  • LiteApp:
    • update logo
    • update splash
    • add action close same/other folder files
    • fix full screen restore
  • LiteEnv:
    • add user env files
  • LiteEditor:
    • fix Insert key
    • update sublime color scheme
  • GolangDoc:
    • support go tip version
    • show error output
  • GolangCode:
    • fix code completer icon visible
  • Golang Fmt:
    • fix timeout option invalid
  • Markdown:
    • fix critical messsage
    • add css Documents.css

2012.12.28 Ver x15.1

  • LiteIDE:
    • update logo
  • LiteApp:
    • plugins custom load
    • custom style use css(Qt Style Sheets)
    • add style coffee
    • fix template doc.go
    • tabs middle button close editor
    • fix memory leak
  • LiteEditor:
    • font zoom support
    • add sublime color scheme, thanks for Henson Lu
    • custom tab width and tab to spaces for mimetype
  • LiteEnv:
    • add cross-compiler
  • GolangDoc:
    • fix goto source

2012.12.18 Ver x15

  • LiteIDE:
    • add markdown plugin
    • changed LiteApp to dynamic library
    • redesign editor menu and toolbar
    • update doc to markdown format
    • add html render twin-engine
      • internal QHtmlBrowser
      • plugin QtWebKit, if find qt webkit dynamic library
  • LiteApp:
    • changed to dynamic library
    • support full screen mode
    • editor tabs change to toolbar
    • add toolbar icon size option
    • add splash visible option
    • add editor tab bar close button visible option
    • add tab context menu close left or right tabs
  • LiteEditor:
    • add overwrite mode (key Insert)
    • add custom tab width option
    • redesign editor menu , context menu and toolbar
    • add right margin line visible option
  • GolangFmt:
    • fix comment offset, remove spaces
  • LiteBuild:
    • id BuildAndRun before kill old process
    • redesign build toolbar and menu
    • support GOBIN
  • LiteDebug:
    • add debug before rebuild option
    • add debug external application action
  • Markdown:
    • markdown editor support
      • action h1-h6, bold, italic, code, list, quote, hr, link, image
      • syntax highlighting
      • live preview
      • sync scroll
      • export html
      • export pdf
      • custom css , css files from Mou
    • markdown batch
      • separate to html
      • separate to pdf
      • merge to html
      • merge to pdf
  • GolangDoc:
    • fix url parser

2012.11.15 Ver x14.1

  • LiteIDE : quick start
  • LiteApp : multi instance support
  • GolangDoc: deply load mode
  • GolangPackage: deply load mode
  • GolangAst : fix classview
  • LiteEditor: fix if/else fold
  • GolangDoc : goapi enable test

2012.11.7 Ver x14.0

  • tools/goapi : new goapi tool
  • GolangDoc: View Cursor Infomation (F1)
  • GolangDoc: Jump to Declaration (F2)
  • GolangDoc: lookup all GOPATH pkg api
  • LiteApp: fix editor navigate
  • LiteEditor : add action Move to New Windows
  • LiteFind : focus in find text and enter
  • LiteEditor: fix code compelter func test ()
  • GolangCode : auto restart gocode if liteide GOPATH changed
  • GolanPlay: enable gocode and fmt
  • GolangFmt: auto popup gofmt messsage option
  • LiteBuild : fix build config custom view
  • LiteBuild : BUILDARGS / INSTALLARGS support set
    • example -gcflags "-N -l" for debug
    • example -ldflags "-s" for release
  • remove: Makefile plugin , Profile plugin, x64 Project

2012.10.10 Ver x13.2

  • GolangCode : the best support for gocode
  • LiteApp : add editor tab context menu
  • LiteApp : update view menu
  • LiteApp : fix check modify and save
  • GolangFmt : fix fmt editor style restore
  • GolangDoc : fix go/doc/.html parser meta "Path="
  • GolangAst : fix update model style restore
  • Welcome : update page
  • LiteEnv : edit enviroment action
  • LiteBuild : update gosrc.xml
  • LiteBuild : fix double click goto line regexp
  • LiteBuild : show enviroment go env
  • LiteBuild : execute error use red font
  • LiteEditor : color theme set currnet line background
  • LiteEditor : add color theme darktango.xml(Dumitru Ungureanu)
  • LiteEditor : go wordapi update, keyword types and funcs
  • LiteEditor : code compelter func auto append ()
  • LiteEditor : fix tab indent
  • FileSystem : fix execute find path
  • LiteFind : fix current directory

2012.9.24 Ver x13.1

  • LiteBuild : fix build load crash.
  • LiteApp : fix double click error output regexp
  • LiteApp : fix folder drop to liteide
  • LiteDebug : watch vars load /save by project
  • LiteDebug : breakpoint load /save by file
  • LiteDebug : add remove all breakpoint action
  • LiteDebug : add / remove global or local watch point
  • LiteEditor : optimization editor mark
  • LiteEditor : enable drop text
  • GolangPlay : enable gofmt

2012.9.21 Ver x13

  • LiteApp : any folder, any file to build
  • LiteApp : update window style, add editor toolbar and status
  • LiteEditor : remove editor toolbar
  • LiteEditor : extra use editor font
  • LiteBuild : new build toolbar and menu
  • LiteBuild : clean action tags
  • GolangFmt : sync execute gofmt
  • GolangDoc : deply filter index
  • GolangAst : classview for folder
  • Outline : alltime expand
  • FileBrowser : rename to FileSystem
  • FileSystem : sync editor file to folder
  • FileSystem : add go command line edit (Ctrl+`)
  • FileSystem : double click execute file and execute on build output

2012.9.14 Ver x12.5

  • LiteApp : move dock style, change to idea style tool windows.
  • LiteApp : double click editor and maximized or restore editor
  • LiteApp : esc key to hide bottom tool windows
  • LiteApp : auto load last session
  • LiteEditor : add edit navigate histroy
  • LiteEditor : extra use color scheme
  • GolangFmt : show error log and goto line

2012.7.12 Ver X12.2

  • GolangFmt : fix fold error diff bug
  • LiteDebug : add var watch, example main.var os.Stdout
  • Welcome : add load last selection
  • LiteEditor : add fold or unfold all action
  • LiteEditor : add duplicate action
  • LiteEditor : add color theme railscast.xml(Alexander Rødseth)
  • LiteFind : default find use editor selection
  • LiteEnv : fix windows env LITEIEDE_EXECOPT=/C
  • LiteApp : fix icon on windows xp unable show

2012.6.28 Ver X12.1.1

  • LiteEditor : fix fold bug - line include "head{}end"
  • LiteEditor : kate go.xml breace match add ""

2012.6.27 Ver X12.1

  • LiteIDE : LiteIDE use new logo
  • LiteEditor : fold / unfold
  • LiteEditor : color scheme custom selection
  • LiteEditor : kate go.xml remove linecontinue
  • LiteEditor : goto line
  • LiteApp : fix recent file load bug
  • GdbDebugger : gdb info lark fullname repair
  • LiteIDE : update faq document
  • LiteIDE : add install document

2012.6.13 Ver X12 1.875

  • LiteIDE : reset resource directory
  • LiteEditor : goto next/prev block
  • LiteEditor : code comment
  • LiteEditor : braces match
  • LiteEditor: LRLF check by \n
  • LiteEditor: no print char conver to .
  • LiteEditor: move tooltip to status
  • GolangFmt : enable gofmt diff
  • GolangFmt : save auto gofmt
  • LiteBuild: project build toolbar and editor build toolbar.
  • LiteFind: add file search
  • PackageBrowser: fast load

2012.5.16 Ver X11 1.71875 beta4.1

  • LiteBuild: fix execute args for gosrc/gopro/makefile
  • LiteApp: add option - when close project auto close project editors
  • PackageBrowser : double click pkg and load project
  • LiteEditor: add option - compelter case sensitive

2012.5.15 Ver X11 1.71875 beta4

  • GolangPackage : enable local package
  • GolangDoc : golang api fmt#Println -> fmt.Println
  • LiteBuild : fix regexp error
  • FileSystem: (windows) fix rename abc to Abc false
  • PackageProject : remove auto reload timer
  • LiteEditor: (linux) redo enable CTRL+Y

2012.5.2 Ver X11 1.71875 beta3

  • GolangPackage : new golang package plugin for GO1
  • GolangPackage : PackageBrowser and PackageProject for GO1
  • GolangTool : remove the plugin
  • GolangDoc: add golang api for GO1
  • GolangDoc: add golang api filter
  • GolangAst: add filter
  • GolangAst: classview and outline
  • LiteEditor : compelter option
  • LiteApp : new file wizard support GO1
  • Welcome : new recent page
  • gopromake : update pkg depend

2012.3.9 Ver X11 1.71875 beta2

  • GolangPlay : new go playground plugin
  • GolangTool : sync editor, sync project

2012.3.1 Ver X11 1.71875 beta1

  • GolangTool : new golang plugin for GO1, import GOPATH project
  • GolangDoc : update to GO1
  • LiteBuild : update to GO1
  • tools : udpate all tools for GO1

2011.9.26 Ver X10 1.5625

  • LiteEditor : add line mark api
  • LiteDebug : new debug toolbar
  • LiteDebug : insert/remove break
  • LiteDebug : breakpoint and current line mark
  • GdbDebugger : async record view
  • GdbDebugger : variables expand tree
  • GdbDebugger : call stack view
  • GdbDebugger : load library view
  • TerminalEdit : provided to LiteBuild and LiteDebug

2011.9.14 Ver X9 1.40625

  • LiteDebug : new debug manager plugin
  • GdbDebugger : new gdb debugger plugin
  • LiteBuild : add build config and custom
  • LiteFind : fix regexp use match case

2011.9.1 Ver X8 1.25

  • LiteFind : new find and replace plugin, remove CodeSearch plugin
  • LiteEditor : fix word api complete three parts error
  • LiteEditor : fix word api complete sorted
  • LiteApp : fix main window state load/save on linux
  • LiteApp : change path to standard linux path
  • LiteBuild : add build option, example execute arguments
  • FileBrowser : add new file wizard

2011.8.12 Ver X7 1.09375

  • Welcome : new html page, quick link, session, recent projects and files
  • GolangDoc : generic document nav
  • GolangDoc : scheme entry [file|list|find|pdoc]
  • FileBrowser : add "View Godoc Here"
  • LiteBuild : auto clean output if line more than 1024
  • LiteEditor : word compelter sorted
  • LiteEditor : auto braces last state check
  • GolangAst : show type struct field
  • GolangAst : editor state keep self

2011.7.28 Ver x6 0.9375

  • LiteEnv : new plugin, liteide enviroment setup
  • Welcome : add LiteIDE document browser
  • GolangDoc : add package find, example input "zip" and find
  • GolangDoc : add godoc /src/pkg/ and /src/cmd/ tree
  • GolangDoc : add go/doc/ document browser
  • GolangDoc : add document browser text search
  • LiteEditor : add export html file
  • FileBrowser : add menu item desktop explorer
  • LiteEditor : add enable automatic insert brackets
  • LiteEditor : add option : display and behavior
  • LiteApp : fix session load last editor or welcome page
  • LiteApp : fix find mimetype incorrect
  • GolangCode : fix application exit gocode close
  • FileBrowser : fix context menu popup on root
  • LiteBuild : fix ouput html format to plaintext
  • LiteBuild : fix build does not handle spaces in file paths
  • LiteBuild : fix output append \n->next append
  • LiteBuild : fix enviroment depend of LiteBuild

2011.7.7 x5 v0.78125

  • add CodeSearch plugin : Editor Search and Replace
  • add GolangDoc plugin : Golang Package Find
  • add Search and Replace Regex: (Colo)(u)(r) -> \1\3
  • add FileBorwser top dir setup
  • add LiteEditor Copy Syntax Color support (HTML mimedata)
  • add LiteEditor ReadOnly
  • add MainWindow all DockWidget saveState
  • add EditorManager CTRL+TAB switch
  • update tools/gopromake to r58
  • update tools/goexec to r58
  • update tools/goastview to r58
  • fix filebrowser rename show oldname
  • fix ENV c:/go/bin;%PATH% order, GOBIN is priority
  • fix FileBrowser sort incorrect on MACOSX
  • fix GoFmt reload editor display pos keep
  • fix Editor Close Ask BUG ret==SaveAll
  • fix Editor word writed ,compelter only one match auto hide

2011.6.30 x4 v0.625

  • add interface zh_cn
  • add filebrowser pluing add/change/remove
  • add editor color style scheme setup
  • add editor codec check/reload
  • add editor pdf export
  • add editor print and preview
  • editor style line LRLF of source
  • kate go.xml support "number" style
  • liteapp last session save/load

2011.6.21 x3 v0.46875

  • add file browser plugin
  • source editor pre link project build
  • source editor outside modify/remove watcher

2011.5.20 x2 v0.3125

  • add gocode plugin
  • add build/makefile
  • add build/lua stdoutput:setvbuf("no")
  • fix build task stop on error
  • fix build process write \n

2011.5.12 x1 v0.15625

  • New LiteIDE X version

Old version

2011.2.25 v0.2.1

  • add build on MacOSX10.6
  • support Makefile and .pro project
  • project support GCOPT and GLOPT
  • global option page
  • global output pane
  • set GOROOT option
  • run shell
  • run debug
  • run process can write
  • run process can kill
  • clean project opt temp or all
  • new project wizard : .pro/package/Makefile
  • new example goinfo, how to use local or search package

2011.1.25 v0.1.8

  • goastview plugin

2011.1.18 v0.1.6

  • add build on Linux64

2011.1.12 v0.1.5

  • build error and jump to source line

2011.1.11 v0.1.2

  • gopromake use goroutines