The Go library is a simple implementation of a cache with support for expiration of values. It uses a map to store key-value pairs and a mutex to synchronize access to the map. It also has a background routine that periodically cleans up expired values from the map. Inspired by patrickmn/go-cache.
go doc
go get
// Cache with a default expiration of 1 second, purging old items every 2 seconds and a maximum size of 5 entries.
c := cache.New[string, string](time.Second, time.Second*2, 5)
defer c.Close()
// Set a value with the default expiration.
c.Set("key", "x")
// Set a value with an expiration time of 1 hour.
c.SetWithTTL("key_1h", "x", time.Hour)
// Set multiple values at once with the default expiration.
"key_map1": "x",
"key_map2": "x",
"key_map3": "x",
// Read an item from the cache.
if val, found := c.Get("key"); found {
fmt.Println("value:", val)
// value: x
// Read an item from the cache and get an empty value if it does not exist.
val1 := c.GetValue("zzz")
// Read an item from the cache and require that it has not expired.
if val, found := c.GetSafe("key"); found {
fmt.Println("value:", val)
// value: x
// Wait for the cache to clean up.
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
fmt.Println("number of items after cleanup:", c.Size())
// number of items after cleanup: 1