TelegramAppender - for log4js-node
- registered a telegram bot
- telegram bot token
- put the bot in a chat group
- chat id of the group
- reference: Telegram Bot API
Install peer dependency log4js:
npm install --save log4js
Install log4js-node-telegramAppender:
npm install --save ""
Sample usage:
'use strict';
const log4js = require("log4js");
appenders: {
colouredConsole: { type: 'stdout' },
telegramAlert: {
type: 'log4js-node-telegramAppender',
silentAlertLevel: 'info',
audioAlertLevel: 'error',
bottoken: <token>,
botchatid: <chatid>
categories: { default: { appenders: ['colouredConsole', 'telegramAlert'], level: 'debug' } }
var logger = log4js.getLogger("TEST");
logger.debug(`This logs to console only`);`This logs to console and telegram, without telegram notification sound`);
logger.error(`This logs to console and telegram, with telegram notification sound`);