CasparCG Timer component for stopwatches or countdowns
Sets if timer will count time up or down. A string value from the following list:
- up
- down
Sets the timer initial time in milliseconds
Sets the timer end time in milliseconds
A string value from the following list:
- hh:mm:ss
- mm:ss
- mm:ss.f (f stands for 1/10th second)
- ss.f (f stands for 1/10th second)
When this parameter is set, the FormatProvider is automatically assigned with a corresponding object instance.
An object reference to a class instance implementing the ITimerDisplayFormat interface. This can only be called from script with one of the provided classes or one created by you.
The text used to display the system time can be formatted using the following parameters:
- Font
- TextColor
- Size
- Align
- Bold
- Italic
Starts the timer or resumes counting if previously stopped.
Stops the timer
Stops the timer and resets back to the Start Time.
Sets the timer's current time.
The CasparTimer can be controlled by invoking the available component methods or by sending special command keywords using the template fields. The available keywords are:
- countup
- countdown
- start
- stop
- reset
- set<00000>
- begin<00000>
- end<00000>
The "set", "begin" and "end" commands must specify a numeric value, representing the time intended in milliseconds. You can specify more than one command at once by separating them with a space character in the field value.
countup begin162000000 end324000000 start
This would start a timer beginning at 45 minutes (45 * 60 * 60 * 1000) and ending at 90 minutes
countdown begin30000 start
This would start a 30 seconds countdown
- Open CasparTimer.fla with Flash CS 4
- Press CTRL+ENTER to publish and test Flash
- Check there are no compilation errors
- In the Library, right-click the CasparTimer component
- Select Export SWC File...
- Name and save the SWC file
- Copy the .SWC file to the Flash components folder:
- On Windows 7, C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS4\en\Configuration\Components
- On Windows XP, C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS4\en\Configuration\Components