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Boreas: A CSS Parser in TypeScript

Boreas is a CSS parser written in TypeScript (which compiles to JavaScript). It can be used both in node.js projects and in the browser (work in progress).

The project was done because we needed a reliable, robust CSS parser for our synchronized Web testing tool Ghostlab.

This project comprises

  • a W3C compliant tokenizer (cf. the W3C CSS syntax module,,
  • a parser that can serialize the AST to an output identical to the input (i.e., it preserves non-significant whitespaces and comments) and can parse "disabled" properties (i.e., properties that are commented out),
  • AST classes allowing easy AST manipulations and AST construction,
  • AST classes and tokens that contain information about their occurrence within the source code,
  • AST traversal (tree walking).


To install Boreas, simply type

npm install boreas


You only need to build Boreas if you want to change the code or if you got the package by cloning the git repository; i.e., if you're just planning to use it from the installed version, there is no need to build it.

Build Boreas by typing

npm install

on the command line. The modules will be compiled into the lib directory.


All examples here are written in plain JavaScript (as are the examples in the project).


var Parser = require('boreas/lib/parser');

// some CSS source you want to parse
var src = '* { color: blue; }';

// parse the CSS
var ast = Parser.parse(src);

// do any AST manipulations/tree walkling...

// unparse the AST to stdout

The parser offers a set of static convenience methods to parse different types of CSS structures:

Functions Description
parse parses a complete style sheet.
parseRule parses a single rule (either a qualified rule or an at-rule).
parseSelectors parses a list of selectors.
parseSelector parses a single selector.
parseDeclarations parses a list of declarations (i.e., CSS properties).
parseDeclaration parses a single declaration.

All the parse functions take, apart from the mandatory CSS source as first argument, an optional "options" argument, which is a hash with the following (optional) properties:

Properties Description
lineBase The number of the first line, defaults to 0.
columnBase The number of the first column, defaults to 0.
tokenizeComments Flag indicating whether start and end comment tokens should be parsed as individual tokens and the contents of the comment should also be parsed.


Every AST class and tokens have a toString() method, which returns the a string identical to the corresponding part of the input.

AST Manipulations

Given an AST structure, the AST objects have methods by means of which the AST can be manipulated. E.g., RuleLists or SelectorLists or DeclarationLists have methods to insert or delete rules, selectors, or declarations, respectively.


var AST = require('../lib/ast');

// construct an AST structure by parsing or constructing it programmatically
var ast = ...;

// insert a new rule
ast.insertRule(new AST.Rule(
    new AST.SelectorList([
        new AST.Selector('h1')
    new AST.DeclarationList([
        new AST.Declaration('color', 'blue')

// insert a new selector at the first position of the first rule
ast.getRules()[0].getSelectors().insertSelector(new AST.Selector('tr.odd'), 0);

// insert a new declaration (property)
ast.getRules()[0].getDeclarations().insertDeclaration(new AST.Declaration('border', '1px solid gray'));

AST Construction

All the AST classes have convenience constructors which allow easy programmatic construction of an AST structure.


var AST = require('../lib/ast');

var styleSheet = new AST.StyleSheet(
    new AST.RuleList([
        new AST.AtImport('import.css'),
        new AST.Rule(
            new AST.SelectorList([
                new AST.Selector('html'),
                new AST.Selector('h1 + p')
            new AST.DeclarationList([
                new AST.Declaration('color', 'blue'),
                new AST.Declaration('border', '1px solid purple', true),
                new AST.Declaration('padding', '1em', false, true)
        new AST.AtMedia(
            'screen and (max-width: 1000px)',
            new AST.RuleList([
                new AST.SelectorList([ new AST.Selector('body') ]),
                new AST.DeclarationList([
                    new AST.Declaration('background-color', 'pink')

AST Walking

Tokenizer and Parser Reference


Properties/Methods Description
constructor(src: string, options?: ITokenizerOptions) Constructs a tokenizer for tokenizing the source src. Optinonally, an options hash, as described below, can be passed.
nextToken(): Token Returns the next token in the token stream. Leading and trailing whitespaces and comments of a token are returned in the leadingTrivia and trailingTrivia properties of the token.

ITokenizerOptions is a hash which can have the following properties:

Properties Description
lineBase?: number The number of the first line, defaults to 0.
columnBase?: number The number of the first column, defaults to 0.
tokenizeComments?: boolean Flag indicating whether start and end comment tokens should be parsed as individual tokens and the contents of the comment should also be parsed.


Properties/Methods Description
constructor(src: string, options?: ITokenizerOptions) Constructs a new parser object for parsing the source src. Optionally, an options hash (as described in the Tokenizer) can be passed.
parseStyleSheet(): StyleSheet Parses a style sheet.
parseRuleBlock(): RuleList Parses a block of rules, i.e., rules contained within curly braces, "{" (rules) "}".
parseRuleList(isBlock?: boolean): RuleList Parses a list of rules. If isBlock is set to true, it is expected that the rules are enclosed in curly braces.
parseQualifiedRule(): Rule Parses a qualified rule.
parseAtRule(): AtRule Parses an (arbitrary) @rule.
parseDeclarationList(): DeclarationList Parses a list of declarations (e.g., properties).
parseDeclaration(throwErrors: boolean = true, omitSemicolon?: boolean): Declaration Parses a single declaration.
parseTrailingTokensForDisabledDeclarations(token: Token): Declaration[] Parses the trailing tokens of the current token for disabled declarations (declarations which are commented out in the source code).
parseDisabledDeclaration(token: Token, throwErrors: boolean = true): Declaration Parses a single disabled (i.e., commented out) declaration.
parseDeclarationValue(): DeclarationValue Parses a declaration value (i.e., the part that comes after the ":" in a declaration).
parseSelectorList(): SelectorList Parses a list of selectors.
parseSelector(): Selector Parses a single selector.
parseComponentValueList(...endTokens: EToken[]): ComponentValue[] Parses a list of component values.
parseBlock(): BlockComponentValue Parses a block component value (any block enclosed in parentheses, square brackets, or curly braces).
parseFunction(): FunctionComponentValue Parses a function.

AST Class Reference



This is a TypeScript interface which all AST classes and the Token class implement. It has the following members:

Properties/Methods Description
range: ISourceRange The start and end positions within the source code
getParent: () => INode Returns the parent node
getChildren: () => INode[] Returns an array containing all the child nodes
isAncestorOf: (node: INode) => boolean Determines if this node is an ancestor of "node"
getTokens: () => Token[] Returns an array containing all the tokens that this node spans
walk: (walker: IASTWalker) => any Walks the sub-tree using the tree walker "walker"
hasError: () => boolean Returns true iff there was an error while parsing this node
toString: () => string Unparses this node and returns it's string representation (identical to the corresponding part of the input source code)

Defined in types.ts.


Extends INode.

Properties/Methods Description
getValue: () => string Returns a string representation of the component value.


Properties/Methods Description
startLine: number The start line of the token/AST node.
startColumn: number The start column of the token/AST node.
endLine: number The end line of the token/AST node.
endColumn: number The end column (exclusive) of the token/AST node.

Defined in types.ts.


This enum defines the token types. The following enum values are defined (in accordance with the W3C specification):

Properties Description
IDENT an identifier token
FUNCTION a function token, i.e., an identifier followed by an opening parenthesis, "("
AT_KEYWORD an at-keyword, i.e., a identifier preceded by the at character, "@"
HASH a hash, i.e., an identifier preceded by the hash character, "#"
STRING a string
BAD_STRING a string with a syntax error
BAD_URL a URL with a syntax error
DELIM a delimiter token
NUMBER a number
PERCENTAGE a percentage token, i.e., a number followed by the percentage sign, "%"
DIMENSION a dimension token, i.e., a number followed by a dimension such as "px", "em", etc.
UNICODE_RANGE a unicode range, i.e., something of the form U+0123?? or U+012345-ABCDEF
INCLUDE_MATCH an include match token, "~="
DASH_MATCH a dash match token, "
PREFIX_MATCH a prefix match token, "^="
SUFFIX_MATCH a suffix match token, "$="
SUBSTRING_MATCH a substring match token, "*="
COLUMN a column token, "
WHITESPACE a whitespace token, consisting of a sequence of space, tab, and newline characters
COMMENT a comment, i.e., a string enclosed in "/*", "*/"
CDO an opening HTML comment token, "<!--"
CDC a closing HTML comment token, "-->"
COLON a colon token, ":"
SEMICOLON a semicolon token, ";"
COMMA a comma token, ","
LBRACKET an opening square bracket token, "["
RBRACKET a closing square bracket token, "]"
LPAREN an opening parenthesis token, "("
RPAREN a closing parenthesis token, ")"
LBRACE an opening curly brace token, "{"
RBRACE a closing curly brace token, "}"
EOF the "end of file" token

Defined in tokenizer.ts.


Properties/Methods Description
(ast: INode, descend: () => any[], walker?: IASTWalker): any

AST Classes


This class represents a single token.

Properties/Methods Description
token: EToken The token type.
src: string The original source string.
value: any The token's value, if applicable. The value is defined for the following token types:
  • AT_KEYWORD (the identifier after the "@"),
  • BAD_STRING (the string without the enclosing quotes),
  • DIMENSION (the numeric value as a number),
  • FUNCTION (the function name),
  • HASH (the identifier after the "#"),
  • NUMBER (the numeric value as a number),
  • PERCENTAGE (the numberic value as a number),
  • STRING (the string without the enclosing quotes),
  • URL (the URL string without the "url(", ")").
unit: string The token's unit, if available. The unit is defined for the token type DIMENSION and contains strings like "px", "em", etc.
type: string
start: number Defined for the token type UNICODE_RANGE. Contains the start of the unicode range.
end: number Defined for the token type UNICODE_RANGE. Contains the end of the unicode range.
range: ISourceRange The range in which this token appears in the original source code
leadingTrivia: Token[] The leading trivia tokens (non-significant whitespaces and comments)
trailingTrivia: Token[] The trailing trivia tokens (non-significant whitespaces and comments)
parent: INode The token's parent node

Defined in tokenizer.ts.


This is the base class for all AST classes described below. It implements INode.

All the AST classes are defined in ast.ts.

Properties/Methods Description
getParent: () => INode Returns the node's parent node.
getChildren: () => INode[] Returns an array of the node's children.
getTokens: () => Token[] Returns all the tokens spanned by this node.
walk: (walker: IASTWalker) => any Walks the sub-tree using the AST walker walker.
hasError: () => boolean Returns true iff there was an error while parsing this node.
toString: () => string Unparses this node and returns it's string representation (identical to the corresponding part of the input source code).
errorTokensToString: () => string Returns the source code when there was an error while parsing this node.
getRoot: () => INode Returns the root node of the AST.
isAncestorOf: (node: INode) => boolean Determines if thi snode is an ancestor of node.

ASTNodeList<U extends INode>

Extends ASTNode.

This is a generic class for encapsulating lists of AST nodes. It provides the base functionality for manipulating (replacing, inserting, deleting) its child nodes and a forEach method for iterating over its children.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(nodes: U[]) Constructs a new list, setting its items to the contents of the array nodes.
getLength(): number Returns the number of nodes in this list.
replaceNodes(nodes: U[]): void Replaces all the child nodes by the nodes in the array nodes.
insertNode(node: U, pos?: number): void Inserts a new node at position "pos" or at the end if no position is provided.
deleteNode(pos: number): void Deletes the node at position "pos". If there is no node at this position, no node is deleted.
deleteAllNodes(): void Deletes all nodes from the node list.
forEach(it: (elt: U) => void) Calls the function it on each element contained in the list.
walkChildren(walker: IASTWalker, result: any[] = []): any[] Walks the list's children using the AST walker walker.


Extends ASTNode.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(ruleList: RuleList, cdo?: Token, cdc?: Token)
insertRule: (rule: AbstractRule, pos?: number) => void
deleteRule: (pos: number) => void
deleteAllRules: () => void
getRules: () => RuleList


Extends ASTNode.

This class is the base class for Rule and AtRule.

Properties/Methods Description
id: string A user-defined ID the user can assign to a rule.


Extends ASTNodeList<AbstractRule>.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(rules: AbstractRule[], lbrace?: Token, rbrace?: Token)
insertRule: (rule: AbstractRule, pos?: number) => void
deleteRule: (pos: number) => void
deleteAllRules: () => void
getLBrace: () => Token
getRBrace: () => Token


A qualified rule.

Extends AbstractRule.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(selectors?: SelectorList, declarations?: DeclarationList)
getSelectors: () => SelectorList
getDeclarations: () => DeclarationList
setSelectors: (selectors: SelectorList) => void
insertSelector: (selector: Selector, pos?: number) => void
deleteSelector: (pos: number) => void
deleteAllSelectors: () => void
insertDeclaration: (declaration: Declaration, pos?: number) => void
deleteDeclaration: (pos: number) => void
deleteAllDeclarations: () => void


Extends ASTNodeList<Selector>.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(selectors?: Selector[])
getSelector: (index: number) => Selector
setSelectors: (selectors: Selector[]) => void
setSelectors: (selectors: SelectorList) => void
insertSelector: (selector: Selector, pos?: number) => void
deleteSelector: (pos: number) => void
deleteAllSelectors: () => void


Extends ComponentValueList.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(values: IComponentValue[], separator?: Token)
constructor(selectorText: string)
getText: () => string
setText: (newText: string) => void
getSeparator: () => Token


Extends ComponentValue.

Properties/Methods Description
getCombinator: () => string Returns the combinator token, i.e., a whitespace or a delimiter with source +, >, or ~.

SimpleSelector<U extends INode>

Extends ASTNode, implements IComponentValue.

This class is the base class for the specialized selector classes described below.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(value: U, namespace?: Token, pipe?: Token)
getNamespace: () => Token If the selector has a namespace, this method returns the identifier token corresponding to the selector's namespace.
getPipe: () => Token If the selector has a namespace (including the empty namespace), this method returns the pipe delimiter token separating the namespace identifier from the actual selector.


Extends SimpleSelector<Token>.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(type: Token, namespace?: Token, pipe?: Token)
constructor(type: string, namespace?: string)
getType: () => Token Returns the identifier token (corresponding to an HTML tag name).


Extends SimpleSelector<Token>.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(asterisk: Token, namespace?: Token, pipe?: Token)
constructor(namespace?: string)
getType: () => Token Returns the * delimiter token.


Extends SimpleSelector<BlockComponentValue>.

Properties/Methods Description
getAttribute: () => BlockComponentValue


Extends SimpleSelector<Token>.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(dot: Token, className: Token, namespace?: Token, pipe?: Token)
constructor(className: string, namespace?: string)
getClassName: () => Token Returns the class name identifier token.
getDot: () => Token Returns the delimiter token containing the dot preceding the class name identifier token.


Extends SimpleSelector<Token>.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(id: Token, namespace?: Token, pipe?: Token)
constructor(id: string, namespace?: string)
getID: () => Token Returns the hash token containing the ID.


Extends ASTNode, implements IComponentValue.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(colon1: Token, colon2: Token, pseudoClassName: IComponentValue)
constructor(pseudoClass: string)
getPseudoClassName: () => IComponentValue


Extends ASTNodeList<Declaration>.

This class encapsulates a list of declaration, optionally enclosed in curly braces.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(declarations: Declaration[], lbrace?: Token, rbrace?: Token) Constructs a DeclarationList from an array of declarations and optional opening and closing curly brace tokens.
getLBrace: () => Token Returns the opening curly brace if there is one.
getRBrace: () => Token Returns the closing curly brace if there is one.
insertDeclaration: (declaration: Declaration, pos?: number) => void Inserts a new declaration into the list. If the pos argument isn't specified, the new declaration will be appended to the list.
deleteDeclaration: (pos: number) => void Deletes the declaration at position pos from this list.
deleteAllDeclarations: () => void Removes all declarations from this list.


Extends ASTNode.

This class encapsulates a declaration (e.g., a CSS propery).


h1 {
	color: red;
	border: 1px solid yellow !important;
	/* padding: 0; */

In this example, "color: red;" and "border: 1px solid yellow !important;" are represented by Declarations.

The parser also supports disabled declarations, i.e., declarations which are commented out like "/* padding: 0; */" in the example. I.e., the parser will also parse such declarations and set the "disabled" flag to true.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(name: ComponentValueList, colon: Token, value: DeclarationValue, semicolon: Token, lcomment?: Token, rcomment?: Token) Constructs a Declaration from a name ("color" and "border" in the above example), a colon token, a declaration value (representing "red" and "1px solid yellow !important" in the example), and a semicolon token. If the declaration is disabled, the lcomment and rcomment tokens are delimiter tokens with sources "/*" and "*/", respectively.
constructor(name: string, value: string, important?: boolean, disabled?: boolean) Constructs a DeclarationValue from a name, a value, an optional flag if this declaration has an appended !important and an optional flag if this declaration is disabled (i.e., commented out).
getName: () => ComponentValueList Return the name ("color", "border", or "padding" in the above example).
getNameAsString: () => string Returns the name as a string.
setName: (newName: string) => void Replaces the declaration's name by newName.
getColon: () => Token Returns the colon token.
getValue: () => DeclarationValue Returns the declaration's value.
getValueAsString: (excludeImportant?: boolean) => string Returns the declarations' value as a string.
setValue: (newValue: string) => void Replaces the declaration's value by newValue.
getSemicolon: () => Token Returns the semicolon token.
getLComment: () => Token Returns the opening comment delimiter token, if this is a disabled declaration.
getRComment: () => Token Returns the closing comment delimiter token, if this is a disabled declaration.
getDisabled: () => boolean Returns true iff this declaration is disabled.
setDisabled: (isDisabled: boolean) => void Enables/disables this declaration (i.e., removes/adds comment tokens).
getImportant: () => boolean Returns true iff the declaration's value contains !important.
getText: () => string Returns a textual representation of the declaration.
setText: (newText: string) => void Parses newText and replaces the current declaration with the result.


Extends ComponentValueList.

This class encapsulates the value part of a declaration (e.g., a property).


h1 {
	color: red;
	border: 1px solid yellow !important;

In this example, "red" and "1px solid yellow !important" are represented by DeclarationValues.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(values: IComponentValue[]) Constructs a new DeclarationValue from an array of component values.
getText: (excludeImportant?: boolean) => string Returns a textual representation of the value.
setText: (value: string) => void Replaces the old value by the components contained in value after parsing the string.
getImportant: () => boolean Returns true iff the value contains !important.


Extends AtRule.

This class encapsulates a generic @rule and is the base class for all the specialized @rule classes described below.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude?: ComponentValueList, blockOrSemicolon?: INode) Constructs an AtRule from a (possibly vendor-prefixed) at-keyword token, a prelude (i.e., the part between the at-keyword and the body of the rule or the semicolon if the rule doesn't have a body), and its body (or the semicolon token if there is no body).
getAtKeyword: () => Token Returns the at-keyword token.
getPrelude: () => ComponentValueList Returns the rule's prelude.
getDeclarations: () => DeclarationList Returns the rule's list of declarations if this @rule has a body of declarations (e.g., @font-face or @page).
getRules: () => RuleList Returns the rule's list of rules if this @rule has a body of rules (e.g., @media or @supports).
getSemicolon: () => Token Returns the semicolon token if this @rule has no body (e.g., @charset, @import, or @namespace).


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @charset rule.


@charset 'utf-8';
Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, semicolon: Token) Constructs an AtCharset object from an at-keyword token with the source "@charset", a prelude, which is a string token representing the character encoding, and a semicolon token.
constructor(charset: string) Constructs an AtCharset object with the character encoding specified.
getCharset: () => string Returns the charset.


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @custom-media rule.


Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, semicolon: Token) Constructs an AtCustomMedia object from an at-keyword token with the source "@custom-media" (possibly vendor-prefixed), a prelude XXXXX, and a semicolon token.
constructor(extensionName: string, media: string)
getExtensionName: () => string
getMedia: () => ComponentValueList


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @document rule.


@-moz-document url(http://localhost), domain(localhost), regexp("https:.*") {
	body {
		background: yellow;

In this example, the CSS rules within the @document rule applies to

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, block: RuleList) Constructs an AtDocument from an at-keyword token with the source "@document" (might be vendor-prefixed), a prelude containing URL tokens and function invocations, and a list of rules.
constructor(prelude: string, rules: RuleList) Constructs an AtDocument from a prelude string and a list of rules.
getUrl: () => string Returns the URL if there is one.
getUrlPrefix: () => string Returns the URL prefix if there is one.
getDomain: () => string Returns the domain if there is one.
getRegexp: () => string Returns the Regexp if there is one.


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @font-face rule.


@font-face {
	font-family: MyHelvetica;
	src: local("Helvetica Neue Bold"),
	font-weight: bold;
Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, declarations: DeclarationList) Constructs an AtFontFace object from an at-keyword with the source "@font-face", an (empty) prelude, and a list of declarations.
constructor(declarations: DeclarationList) Constructs an AtFontFace object from a list of declarations.


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @host rule.


Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, rules: RuleList)
constructor(rules: RuleList)


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @import rule.


@import url('style1.css');
@import url('style2.css') screen and (min-width: 600px);
Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, semicolon: Token) Constructs an AtImport object from an at-keyword token with the source "@import", a prelude containing the reference to the imported stylesheet (either as a string or a URL token), and a semicolon token.
constructor(url: string, media?: string) Constructs an AtImport object from a URL (the stylesheet to import) and an optional media string.
getUrl: () => string Returns the URL of the imported stylesheet.
getMedia: () => ComponentValueList Returns the media if defined.


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @keyframes rule.


@-webkit-keyframes moving-image {
	0%   { background-position: 0; }
	50%  { background-position: 100%; }
	100% { background-position: 0; }

@-moz-keyframes moving-image {
	0%   { background-position: 0; }
	50%  { background-position: 100%; }
	100% { background-position: 0; }
Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, rules: RuleList) Constructs an AtKeyframes object from a (possibly vendor-prefixed) at-keyword token, a prelude containing a single identifier token (the name of the animation), and a list of rules.
constructor(animationName: string, rules: RuleList) Constructs an AtKeyframes object from an animation name and a list of rules.
getAnimationName: () => string Returns the animation name.


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @media rule.


@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
	body {
		padding: 1em
Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, media: ComponentValueList, rules: RuleList) Constracts an AtMedia object from an at-keyword token with the source "@media", the media list (the component values making up screen and (min-width: 800px) in the above example), and a list of rules.
constructor(media: string, rules: RuleList) Constructs an AtMedia object from a media string (e.g., "screen and (min-width: 800px)") and a list of rules.
getMedia: () => ComponentValueList Returns the media list.


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @namespace rule.


@namespace svg "";

In this example, "svg" is the (optional) namespace prefix, followed by the namespace URL.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, semicolon: Token) Constructs an AtNamespace object from an at-keyword token with the source "@namespace", a prelude comprising an identifier token for the namespace prefix (optional) and a string token for the namespace URL, and a semicolon token.
constructor(url: string, prefix?: string) Constructs an AtNamespace object from a namespace URL and an optional namespace prefix.
getUrl: () => string Returns the namespace URL.
getPrefix: () => string Returns the namespace prefix if there is one.


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @page rule.


@page {
	margin: 5cm;

@page :first {
	margin-left: 0.5cm;
Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, prelude: ComponentValueList, declarations: DeclarationList) Constructs an AtPage object from an at-keyword token with the source "@page", a prelude containing pseudo classes, and a list of declarations.
constructor(pseudoClass: string, declarations: DeclarationList) Constructs an AtPage object from a string specifying the pseudo class for the rule (e.g., :first in the second rule in the example), and a list of declarations.
getPseudoClass: () => ComponentValueList Returns the prelude part, i.e., the pseudo class following the @page keyword of the rule, if there is one.


Extends AtRule.

This class represents an @supports rule.


@supports (display: flexbox) {
	body {
		display: flex;

In this example, (display: flexbox) is the prelude part of the rule, which is followed by a list of rules enclosed in curly braces.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(atKeyword: Token, supports: ComponentValueList, rules: RuleList) Constructs an AtSupports object from an at-keyword token with the source "@supports", a list of component values (the prelude), and a list of rules.
constructor(supports: string, rules: RuleList) Constructs an AtSupports object from a prelude string and a list of rules.
getSupports: () => ComponentValueList Returns the prelude part (the components after the @supports keyword) of the rule.


Extends ASTNode.

This class encapsulates a single token. ComponentValues are used as generic AST nodes when a token isn't further specialized by the parser.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(token?: Token) Constructs a new ComponentValue.
getToken: () => Token Returns the encapsulated token.
getValue: () => string Returns the value.
getType: () => EToken Returns the type of the token.


Extends ASTNodeList.

This class encapsulates a sequence of ComponentValues.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(values: IComponentValue[]) Constructs a new ComponentValueList.
getValue: () => string Returns the value as a string.


Extends ComponentValueList.

This class encapsulates a generic block, i.e., a portion of code starting with a opening parenthesis/square bracket/curly brace and ending with a closing parenthesis/square bracket/curly brace.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(startToken: Token, endToken: Token, values: IComponentValue[]) Constructs a new block from a start and an end token and value tokens contained between the start and the end tokens.
getStartToken: () => Token Returns the start token.
getEndToken: () => Token Returns the end token.


Extends BlockComponentValue.

This class encapsulates a function invocation, e.g., rgb(10, 20, 30).

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(name: Token, rparen: Token, args: IComponentValue[]) Constructs a new FunctionComponentValue from a function token, the closing parenthesis and an array of function arguments.
getName: () => Token Returns the function token containing the function name (as per the W3C specification, the function token contains the name and the opening parenthesis.)
getArgs: () => FunctionArgumentValue[] Returns the array of function arguments.


Extends ComponentValueList.

This class represents an argument to a function, such as 10, , in rgb(10, 20, 30). Note that it also comprises the comma separator if there is one following the actual argument.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(values: IComponentValue[], separator?: Token) Constructs a FunctionArgumentValue from an array of IComponentValues.
getSeparator: () => Token Returns the separator token (the comma) following the function argument, if there is one.


Extends ASTNode.

This class represents the !important part of a property value.

Properties/Methods Description
constructor(exclamationMark: Token, important: Token) Constructs an new ImportantComponentValue from an delimiter token with the source "!" and an identifier token with the source "important".
getExclamationMark: () => Token Returns the "!" delimiter token.
getImportant: () => Token Returns the "important" identifier.



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