Google Maps Yii2 wrapper
Forked from [] and
- added Infowindow support.
- removed units parameters.
- added mapOptions parameters. (styles)
- added marker options. (icon)
- added mapInput widget
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist voime/yii2-google-maps "*"
or add
"voime/yii2-google-maps": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by :
use voime\GoogleMaps\Map;
echo Map::widget([
'zoom' => 16,
'center' => 'Red Square',
'width' => '700px',
'height' => '400px',
'mapType' => Map::MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE,
There are two ways to set API KEY:
Add to application parameters.
return [
'GOOGLE_API_KEY' => 'VIza7yBgBzYEbKx09V566DhM8Ylc3NjWsJ0ps-2' // use your own api key
Or pass it direct to widget.
use voime\GoogleMaps\Map;
echo Map::widget([
'apiKey'=> 'VIza7yBgBzYEbKx09V566DhM8Ylc3NjWsJ0ps-2',
'zoom' => 3,
'center' => [20, 40.555],
'width' => '700px',
'height' => '400px',
'mapType' => Map::MAP_TYPE_HYBRID,
Name | Description |
mapOptions | array, not required, map object options |
zoom | integer, not required, default 16 |
center | array or string, required. If array lat and lng will be used, if string search query will be used. For example: php 'center'=>[23.091,100.412] or php 'center'=>'London, UK' |
width | string, not required, default 600px. div wrapper width |
height | string, not required, default 600px. div wrapper height |
mapType | string, not required, default ROADMAP. Available types: MAP_TYPE_ROADMAP, MAP_TYPE_HYBRID, MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE, MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN |
markers | array, not required. Markers that will be added to map |
One or more marker can be added to map. Just pass marker array to widget config
use voime\GoogleMaps\Map;
echo Map::widget([
'mapOptions' => ['styles' => file_get_contents(Yii::getAlias('@webroot/res/map-styles.json'))],
'zoom' => 5,
'center' => [45, 45],
'markers' => [
['position' => 'Tartu', 'title' => 'marker title', 'content' => 'InfoWindow content', 'options' => ["icon" => "''"]],
['position' => [56,27]],
The following options are allowed:
Name | Description |
position | string or array, required. If array lat and lng will be used, if string search query will be used. |
title | string, not required. Rollover text |
content | string, not required. Infowindow text |
options | array, not required. Marker options |
Sometimes you need to show all markers on map, but do not know initial map center and zoom. In this case use widget like this
use voime\GoogleMaps\Map;
echo Map::widget([
'width' => '50%',
'height' => '600px',
'mapType' => Map::MAP_TYPE_HYBRID,
'markers' => [
['position' => 'Belgrad'],
['position' => 'Zagreb'],
['position' => 'Skopje'],
['position' => 'Podgorica'],
['position' => 'Sarajevo'],
MapInput widget example. This need the following inputs
- address-input for address seach on map
- lat-input for latitude
- lng-input for longitude
- country-input for country name [optional]
use voime\GoogleMaps\MapInput;
<?= $form->field($model, 'address')->textInput(['id'=>'address-input']) ?>
echo MapInput::widget([
'height' => '400px',
'zoom' => Yii::$app->params['map_zoom_one'],
'countryInput' => 'country-input',
'mapOptions' => [
'styles' => file_get_contents(Yii::getAlias('@webroot/res/map-styles.json')),
'maxZoom' => '15',
'markerOptions' => ['icon'=>"'" . Yii::getAlias('@web/res/img/marker.png') . "'"],
<?=$form->field($model, 'latitude')->hiddenInput(['id'=>'lat-input'])->label(false) ?>
<?=$form->field($model, 'longitude')->hiddenInput(['id'=>'lng-input'])->label(false) ?>
<?=$form->field($model, 'country')->hiddenInput(['id'=>'country-input'])->label(false) ?>