This a client library to help interacting with the RCRM API.
First, download and install the gem.
Then, to make a query and obtain the data you want, do something like:
require 'rcrm'
# Create a client instance. Note that this will not necessarily maintain
# a connection between requests.... but don't assume that it closes it either!
conn = RCRM_URL,
integrator_key: RCRM_INTEGRATOR_KEY,
api_key: RCRM_API_KEY)
# Next, build the query...
# First thing we want to do is create a filter object that we can use to reduce
# the results to just those we are looking for. In this case, we're going to look
# for applicants with the given email address
applicants_filter ='')
# Second, we need to identify what fields we want the API to return to us. The API is
# very powerful and allows for a lot of flexibility. By default, the client will automatically
# set a few fields to return, so this may not be needed.
applicant_return_fields = [:applicantId, :applicantName, :applicantSurname])
# Third, construct the query to return the fields we want, filtering with the filters we created
applicants_query = applicant_return_fields).filter(applicants_filter)
# Finally, make the request to the API
result = conn.query(applicants_query)
# If everything worked, the response status will be 200 and the JSON body will have no errors object.
result.status == 200 && result.body['errors'].nil?
# The data requested can now be found in the "data" item in the body
# Create the connection as before
# Find the sector ID(s) with which to associate the record
# in this example, we're going to associate the record with all of the sectors we find
result = conn.query
sectorIdCsv = result.body['data']['sectors']['sector'].map { |item| item['sectorId'] }.join(',')
# Create an object representing the item to insert
applicant_details = 'Kryton',
applicantSurname: '4000',
fileAs: 'Kryten',
sectorIdCsv: sectorIdCsv)
# Next, create a query of the correct type for the desired operation
insert_applicant_mutation =
# Finally, send the mutation to the API
result = conn.mutation(insert_applicant_mutation)
# As before, if everything worked, the response status will be 200 and the JSON body
# will have no errors object. The results will be returned in the data section of the body
result.status == 200 && result.body['errors'].nil?
# find the applicant's ID
applicants_filter ='Kryton').surname_in('4000')
result = conn.query(
applicant_id = result.body['data']['applicants']['applicant'].first['applicantId']
# prepare the request
applicant_details = applicant_id, applicantSurname: 'Series 4000')
update_applicant_mutation =, fields: [:applicantId, :applicantSurname])
result = conn.mutation(update_applicant_mutation)
Files are transferred as base64 encoded. It is important that strict
encoding is used, rather than the
default in ruby.
As an example, this is how one can work with a CV:
require 'base64'
# First, read in the file and convert the body to base64
# path = the path of the file on the file system
file =
encoded = Base64.strict_encode64(
# Next, build the input object
# We assume that we gained the applicant_id earlier
input = applicant_id,
description: file.basename.to_s,
fileExtension: file.extname,
binaryContent: encoded)
# Finally, send the request to upload the CV to the API
# conn is the connection to the API that we gained earlier
result = conn.mutation(
# From the result we can identify and confirm the CV id created
cv_id = result.body['data']['insertCv']['cVId']
result = conn.query( [:cVId, :binaryContent])).filter(
encoded_result = result.body['data']['cvs']['cv'][0]['binaryContent']
downloaded =
downloaded.write Base64.strict_decode64(encoded_result)