An API service for sourcing Rare Sats and Bitcoin Ordinal listing data from Magic Eden.
- Aggregate Rare Sats listings on Magic Eden and filter by sat type
- Aggregate Bitcoin Ordinal listings on Magic Eden and filter using a time interval
- Load API image on another computer and schedule requests* with cron
Build the Docker image
docker build -t magicedenjs-api .
Run Docker image
docker run -p 7100:7100 -v FILE_DIRECTORY_FOR_SAVING_FILES:/app/tmp magicedenjs-api:latest
Load Docker image
docker load -i magicedenjs-api_latest.tar.gz
Run Docker image
docker run -p 7100:7100 -v FILE_DIRECTORY_FOR_SAVING_FILES:/app/tmp magicedenjs-api:latest
Install dependencies
npm i
Start project
node app.js
- timeInterval
- 10m
- 1h
- 6h
- 1d
- 7d
- 30d
"chain": "bitcoin",
"collectionId": "nodemonkes",
"collectionSymbol": "nodemonkes",
"vol": 0.544,
"txns": 2,
"totalVol": 0.544,
"fp": 0.2439,
"marketCap": 2439,
"totalSupply": 10000,
"ownerCount": 4579,
"listedCount": 1032,
"pending": 2,
"uniqueOwnerRatio": 0.4579,
"name": "NodeMonkes",
"image": "",
"description": "The first original 10k collection inscribed on bitcoin.",
"currency": "BTC",
"currencyUsdRate": 51447.74,
"marketCapUsd": 125481037.86
"chain": "bitcoin",
"collectionId": "quantum_cats",
"collectionSymbol": "quantum_cats",
"vol": 0.423,
"txns": 2,
"totalVol": 0.423,
"fp": 0.22,
"marketCap": 733.26,
"totalSupply": 3333,
"ownerCount": 2590,
"listedCount": 463,
"pending": 2,
"uniqueOwnerRatio": 0.7770777077707771,
"name": "Quantum Cats",
"image": "",
"description": "The Quantum Cats by Taproot Wizards are on a mission to revive Satoshi's beloved pet and scripting function, OP_CAT.",
"currency": "BTC",
"currencyUsdRate": 51447.74,
"marketCapUsd": 37724569.8324
"chain": "bitcoin",
"collectionId": "rmm",
"collectionSymbol": "rmm",
"vol": 0.10859,
"txns": 8,
"totalVol": 0.10859,
"fp": 0.0134,
"listedCount": 400,
"pending": 6,
"uniqueOwnerRatio": 0,
"name": "Rune Mania Miner",
"image": "",
"description": "Rune Mania: Utilize your RMM to mine Runes using:⛏️ Mining Boosts🧱 Block Boosts🧪 Mana Boosts🗿 Stone Boosts ✨ Rune Boosts",
"currency": "BTC",
"currencyUsdRate": 51447.74
Search for a specific Rare Sats. Rare Sats are attributes, or "satributes," ascribed to different types of sats. Sats are the smallest unit of a Bitcoin, and satributes commemorate special moments like when a sat was mined or used in a transaction.
- satType
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Epic
- Legendary
- Black Uncommon
- Black Rare
- Black Epic
- Black Legendary
- Palindrome
- Uniform Palinception
- Perfect Palinception
- Vintage
- Nakamoto
- Block 9
- Block 286
- Block 78
- First Transaction
- Pizza
- Alpha
- Omega
"Satributes": [
"value": "Rare",
"label": "Rare",
"floor": 4
Build Docker image
docker build -t magicedenjs-api .
Save Docker image
docker save magicedenjs-api:latest | gzip > magicedenjs-api_latest.tar.gz
- Open crontab
crontab -e
- Add a new job. Every 10 minutes, create an HTTP GET Request for the API service using cURL.
*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/curl --silent 'http://localhost:7100/magiceden/process-btc-listings?timeInterval=10m'
- Optionally, create a second job to track the HTTP GET Requests.
*/10 * * * * echo "JOB at $(date)" >> ~/Desktop/job-tracker.txt