Welcome to FISH™, a symptom tracking and medication reminder application, currently in Beta Testing for the App Store. In this app you can monitor one time or recurring symptoms, see symptom history over time, track medication usage, and recieve notifications as to when to take your next medication.
- Track your medication and symptoms over extended periods of time
- Set custom reminders for taking your medications
- View customizable charts displaying symptom history by frequency and intensity
- Export your medication and symptom history as a CSV to share with your doctor
- Quicky log multiple medications at once from the home screen
- Use the interactive calendar view to monitor logged symptoms by frequency
Note: although this app is written in React Native, it is currently only optimized for iPhones, not Android devices.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local device for development and testing purposes.
You must have npm installed on your computer. If you have a Macbook, you can run the app through Expo on the XCode iOS Simulator. Otherwise, you can download the Expo app on your mobile device and register an account.
You should also have the Expo Cli. Assuming that you have Node installed, you can use npm to install the Expo CLI command line utility:
npm install -g expo-cli
First clone the project and install the packages needed for the application:
npm install
To start the app, run
expo start
This should open a browser that loads a QR Code. Assuming you are using a physical iPhone, scan the QR code with your camera, and the Expo App will open up with Fish running. If you are using the simulator, TODO://how
- React Native - Javascript framework for writing iOS applications
We are currently in the beta testing stage, so as we update this app, we will update this section.
This app is maintained by Cornell Engineering World Health. Individuals below are members of the Computer Science Subteam of this Project Team. //TODO add personal websites
FISH is made available under the terms of the GPLv3.
See the LICENSE file that accompanies this distribution for the full text of the license.