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Ben Dalling edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 1 revision


PlantUML ( is an open-source tool allowing users to create UML diagrams from a plain text language. The language of PlantUML is an example of a Application Specific Language.[3] It uses Graphviz software to layout its diagrams.

Travis Deployment Diagram

title Deployment for <i>locp-cassandra</i> Unit & Acceptance Tests 

actor programmer << Human >>
cloud GitHub
cloud Travis
note right of Travis : Unit and acceptance tests triggered by push to GitHub
cloud AWS {
  node worker {
    component docker
    node centos6
    node centos7
    node debian7
    node ubuntu1204
    node ubuntu1404

programmer --> GitHub
GitHub --> Travis
Travis --> worker
centos6 --> docker
centos7 --> docker 
debian7 --> docker
ubuntu1204 --> docker 
ubuntu1404 --> docker

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