v install --git https://github.com/vpkgs/slog.git
import slog
import os
fn main() {
ofilename := os.real_path(os.join_path(os.dir(@FILE), 'logfile'))
slog.err(@MOD, 'Warning here')
slog.warn(@MOD, 'Warning here')
slog.info(@MOD, 'Warning here')
slog.debug(@MOD, 'Warning here') // no output as `level` is `.info`
slog.trace(@MOD, 'Warning here') // no output as `level` is `.info`
If you need module info in log output
import slog
import os
// Really want to generate following template by macro as `@MOD` value changes, or ...
fn err(msg string) {
slog.log(.error, @MOD, msg)
fn warn(msg string) {
slog.log(.warn, @MOD, msg)
fn info(msg string) {
slog.log(.info, @MOD, msg)
fn debug(msg string) {
slog.log(.debug, @MOD, msg)
fn trace(msg string) {
slog.log(.trace, @MOD, msg)
fn main() {
ofilename := os.real_path(os.join_path(os.dir(@FILE), 'logfile'))
mut logger := slog.init_with_default_logger(ofilename)
// slog.set_max_level(.info)
logger.set_level_from_default_env() // value of "V_LOG" is used
logger.set_level_from_envvar("YOUR_ENVVAR") // value of "YOUR_ENVVAR" is used
err('Warning here')
warn('Warning here')
info('Warning here')
debug('Warning here') // no output as `level` is `.info`
trace('Warning here') // no output as `level` is `.info`
// in your module
import slog
fn err(tag string, msg string) {
slog.log(.error, tag, msg)
fn warn(tag string, msg string) {
slog.log(.warn, tag, msg)
fn info(tag string, msg string) {
slog.log(.info, tag, msg)
fn debug(tag string, msg string) {
slog.log(.debug, tag, msg)
fn trace(tag string, msg string) {
slog.log(.trace, tag, msg)
// then use
fname := os.real_path(os.join_path(os.dir(@FILE), 'logfile'))
slog.init_with_default_logger(fname) // should be called only once
error(@FILE, 'error')
warn(@FILE, 'warn')
info(@FILE, 'info')
debug(@FILE, 'debug')
trace(@FILE, 'trace')
See DefaultLogger
// It's easy to do WebSocket, http or ... anything in same way.
import slog {Level, BaseLogger}
import time
fn main() {
logger := init_logger(level: .trace)
go logger.collect()
slog.info('it works!!')
type Msg = Item | Cmd
enum Cmd {
struct Item {
level Level
target string
msg string
time time.Time
pub struct CustomLoggger {
msg_ch chan Msg
pub struct CustomLogggerOpt {
level Level = Level.info
pub fn init_logger(opt CustomLogggerOpt) &CustomLoggger {
mut log := &CustomLoggger {
msg_ch: chan Msg {cap: 20}
return log
pub fn (lg &CustomLoggger) log(lv Level, target string, msg string) {
timestamp := time.now()
lg.msg_ch <- Item {
level: lv
target: target
msg: msg
time: timestamp
pub fn (lg &CustomLoggger) close() {
lg.msg_ch <- Cmd.close
pub fn (lg &CustomLoggger) collect() {
for {
msg := <- lg.msg_ch
match msg {
Item {
Cmd {
Using envvar, we can avoid hard coding log level.
The following code
// set 'trace,net.websocket=warn,mylib=trace' as value of `V_LOG`. It's not need to be hardcoded. set at terminal instead...
os.setenv(slog.default_env, 'trace,net.websocket=warn,mylib=trace', false) // `slog.default_env` => 'V_LOG'
mut logger := init_with_default_logger('myfile')
// logger.set_level_from_envvar("YOUR_ENVVAR") // if you prefer to use other envvar
is equivalent to
mut logger := init_with_default_logger('myfile')
logger.lv_map['net.websocket'] = .warn
logger.lv_map['mylib'] = .trace
V's log
has big restriction.
it have to be mutable when log things.
Rust's tracing
is very easy to use, so I used tracing
as main reference.
If you want new features:
- You can create a PR as a discussion (I may merge, but may not.).
- You can create an ISSUE before submit a PR, to make sure the PR will be merged (cannot promise 100%).
Plz create Pull Requests