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ADB Commands

A non-comprehensive list of generally useful adb commands. This document is continuously evolving and PRs are welcome! Standard Unix-like system argument conventions are followed where square brackets [] indicate optional arguments and angled brackets <> indicate a required argument.


  • Copy files to device

    adb push <source file> <destination directory>

  • Copy files from device

    adb pull <device file> <local file path>


  • Key events

    adb shell input keyevent [--longpress] <keycode>

    Popular <keycode>s are:

    • 3 Home button
    • 4 Back button
    • 24 Volume up
    • 25 Volume down
    • 26 Toggle screen on/off
    • 220 Brightness down
    • 221 Brightness up


  • Get Screen Resolution

    adb shell wm size

  • Get Screen density

    adb shell wm density

  • Emulate Screen Size and Density

    adb shell wm size <dimens> for example adb shell wm size 640x480

    adb shell wm density <density> for example adb shell wm density 288

    When you are done emulating a certain screen, reset to the original settings:

    adb shell wm size reset

    adb shell wm density reset

Properties & Settings

  • Get Properties

    adb shell getprop [property]

    Property name is optional if you want all properties. Popular [property] values:

    • release version of OS
    • ro.product.cpu.abi cpu architecture, for example arm64-v8a
    • ro.product.cpu.abilist all supported cpu architectures
  • Get Settings

    adb shell settings get <namespace> <key>

    Possible <namespace> values are system, secure, global. List of keys are available in the documentation.

  • Update Settings

    adb shell settings put <namespace> <key> <value>

Package Manager

  • List installed packages

    adb shell pm list packages [query]

  • Grant Permissions

    adb shell pm grant <> <permission>

  • Revoke Permissions

    adb shell pm revoke <> <permission>

  • To Clear Application Data & Cache

    adb shell pm clear <>


  • Frame profiling

    adb shell setprop debug.hwui.profile <value>

    Possible <value>s are:

    • true to enable profiling
    • visual_bars to enable profiling and visualize the results on screen as bars
    • visual_lines to enable profiling and visualize the results on screen as lines
    • false to disable profiling
  • Overdraw

    adb shell setprop debug.hwui.overdraw <value>

    Possible <value>s are:

    • show to display overdraw areas on screen
    • count to display an overdraw counter
    • false to disable overdraw debugging
  • Graphics Rendering Performance

    adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo []

  • Heap Dump

    adb shell am dumpheap <> /sdcard/dumpheap.hprof

  • Layout Borders

    adb shell setprop debug.layout <true/false>

    You have to relaunch your application to see the borders.


  • Kill Application

    adb shell am kill <>

    Simulates the application being killed for memory pressure. Only works if the application is placed into the background first by pressing the home button.

  • Immersive Mode

    adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.full=[value]

    Possible [value]s are:

    • * to enable immersive mode
    • leave blank to disable immersive mode


List of common useful ADB commands







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