yatumblr-backup (yet another tumblr backup script) fetches blog info and all raw posts and writes them to a gzipped JSON file. The fetched content is retained in the original JSON format returned by the Tumblr API. If tumblr gets nuked you can post-process the high fidelity JSON later.
Requires a Tumblr API key stored in file apikey
. Compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.
Usage: yatumblr-backup.py <tumblr hostname> [target directory]
e.g. yatumblr-backup.py myblog.tumblr.com
e.g. yatumblr-backup.py myblog.tumblr.com /path/to/backups
$ ./yatumblr-backup.py myblog.tumblr.com
Total number of posts: 263
Total posts fetched: 263
Backup written to ./backup-myblog.tumblr.com-2013-10-12-16-02-17.json.gz
- yatumblr-backup does not fetch images used in text or image posts.
- yatumblr-backup does not fetch blog static pages or stylesheets.