This project defines the data format of the video_label
which are accepted as a input data for the Knowledge Graph Builder project.
Since Knowledge Graph Builder takes JSONLines file
that is composed of video_label
objects only,
please validate your input data file before using with Knowledge Graph Builder.
The main purpose of this project is to define the data format of video_label
This section contains both formal and informal definition of this object.
A video_label
object should follow one of the following 6 types of the objects.
{"type": "object", "class": "person", "label": "Person A", "seconds": 15.0, "coordinates": [100, 200, 20, 30]}
{"type": "object", "id": "person_ross_geller", "class": "person", "label": "Ross Geller", "seconds": 15.0, "coordinates": [100, 200, 20, 30]}
{"type": "behavior", "class": "stand", "seconds": 15.0, "object": ObjectIndicator}
{"type": "emotion", "class": "happy", "seconds": 15.0, "object": ObjectIndicator}
{"type": "relation", "class": RelationalClass, "subclass": "wear", "seconds": 15.0, "source": ObjectIndicator, "target": ObjectIndicator}
{"type": "location", "class": "central_perk", "seconds": 15.0}
{"type": "sound", "class": "glass_crashing", "seconds": 15.0}
{"id": "person_ross_geller"}
or{"coordinates": [100, 200, 20, 30]}
for subclass"wear"
, …"emotion"
for subclass"love"
, …"position"
for subclass"above"
, …"social"
for subclass"son_of"
, …
A formal definition of the video_label
object can be found in
video_label.schema.json file.
This file defines the format of the video_label
object in JSON Schema.
This project includes a basic validator script to check if a given jsonlines file is a valid input data for Knowledge Graph Builder. Instructions for using the validator is as follows.
Before using the validator, make sure that Python 3 is available in your local environment.
Set up a virtual environment for Python 3.
knowledge-graph-input$ python3 -m venv ./env
Activate the virtual environment to use.
knowledge-graph-input$ source ./env/bin/activate
Install required dependencies with Pip in your virtual environment.
(env) knowledge-graph-input$ pip install -r requirements.txt
script with your input data file as standard input.
Example command will validate the test input data file test_input.jsonl
(env) knowledge-graph-input$ python3 < test_input.jsonl
If there are errors in the input data, erronous lines are shown on the terminal as standard error output.
(env) knowledge-graph-input jeongmin$ python3 < test_input.jsonl
Validation error at line 3:
"{"type": "locational", "class": "central_perk", "seconds": 0.5}"
Validation error at line 14:
"{"type": "behavior", "seconds": 2.5, "object": {"id": "person_ross_geller"}}"
This work was supported by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion(IITP) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2017-0-01780, The technology development for event recognition/relational reasoning and learning knowledge based system for video understanding)