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Apsitvarkom back end dotnet web API


  • PostgreSQL (expects ConnectionStrings:ApsitvarkomDatabase in configuration)
  • Google Maps Geocoding API (expects Geocoding:ApiKey in configuration).

Running locally

  1. Run docker-compose -f dev-stack.yml up -d (requires Docker)
    1. This starts PostgreSQL on port 8001. Database data will be saved if you shut down the stack.
    2. This starts Adminer on port 8002. Visit http://localhost:8002 and login in with username: postgres and password: devpassword.
    3. You can also delete all of the existing dev stack (with database data) using docker-compose -f dev-stack.yml down -v
  2. Run dotnet user-secrets set "Geocoding:ApiKey" "<OUR_API_KEY>"
    1. Replace <OUR_API_KEY> with the development api key from our google sheet yourself and keep it as a secret.
    2. This has to be done only once
  3. Start the web API (either dotnet run or by clicking "Play" in Visual Studio)
    1. Visit swagger at http://localhost:5125/swagger


  • Every PR to staging branch runs CI automatically that builds, tests and reports coverage in the PR.
  • Every merge/push to staging branch runs CICD that automatically builds, tests, builds docker image, pushes it to an Artifact Registry and then deploys it in Cloud Run. See "Environments" on GitHub to access staging environment url.


Apsitvarkom back end dotnet web API





Contributors 4
