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Configuring Azure App Service WebApp

  • Set WEBSITES_PORT application setting to 8080

Configuring AppSettings

  • "KeyVaultURL": string - Url to AzureKeyVault

  • "ManagedIdentityClientId": string - ManagedIdentityClientId used to connect to AzureKeyVault

  • "DatabaseOptions"

    • "DatabaseConnectionString": string - connection string to database where password is argumented {0} like this.
    • "DatabaseAdminPassword": string - password to datbase in connection string
    • "EnablesSensitiveDataLogging": boolean - sensitive logging for ef core
    • "EnableDetailedErrors": boolean - detailed login for ef core
    • "CommandTimeout": integer - timeout for ef core
  • "RiotApiKeyOptions"

    • RiotApiKey": string - ApiKey from RiotGames
  • "EntityUpdateLockoutOptions"

    • "SummonerUpdateLockout": integer - lockout in minutes to prevent extensive querying summoners

Chron jobs

  • Chron job every week to sync discounts ✅
  • Chron job every 2 week to sync patch data like new skins, new champions ✅



  • Search summoner by name, taglinie, region ✅

    • Id,
    • RiotAccountId
    • RiotSummonerId
    • Name
    • IconId
    • IconUrl
    • UniqueRiotId
    • Name (name#tagline)
    • Level
    • LastUpdated
    • When can be updated (Refresh)
  • Search summoner by ResourceId ✅

    • Id,
    • RiotAccountId
    • RiotSummonerId
    • Name
    • IconId
    • IconUrl
    • UniqueRiotId
    • Name (name#tagline)
    • Level
    • LastUpdated
    • When can be updated (Refresh)
  • Search summoner's live game by ResourceId ✅

    • Banned champs
    • Teams with players and champions
    • How many minutes in game
    • Type of game (5v5, aram)
    • When game has started
    • Custom, Normal, Tutorial
    • Map
  • Refresh summoner's data by ResourceId

    • Schedules job to refresh summoner's champion masteries and details like icon, level etc


  • Summoner Champion Masteries by ResurceId ✅
    • Lists all of masteries earned on champions for Summoner
    • Level of champ
    • ImageUrl
    • Number of points
    • Has earned chest in this split


  • MatchHistorySummary by ResourceId ✅

    • Shortened match history summary (default to 5 games) by daty and type of queue
    • Info about summoner
    • Info about summoners in game
    • Game version
    • How many minutes it longed
    • When started
    • When ended
    • Type of game (5v5, aram)
    • Custom, Normal, Tutorial
    • Map
  • MatchHistory by ResourceId ✅

    • Same as above but more in detail. More coming soon


  • Challenges ❌
    • Info about challenges in current split / season (and in older if data was persisted)


  • ChampionRotation ❌

    • List of all persisted champion rotations
    • Date
  • ChampionRotation by ResourceId ❌

    • Detailed champion rotation
    • Champ info
    • Date


  • Master's ladder per region

  • GrandMaster's ladder per region ❌

  • Cutoff for GrandMaster per region ❌

  • Challenger's ladder per region ❌

  • Cutooff for GrandMaster per region ❌


  • Discounts ✅

    • List of Discoutns with dates
  • Discounts by ResourceId ✅

    • List of skins and champion on sale