🚀 Lik is the most powerful lua mapping framework ever, it runs on windows platform. Because singluar is too bulky and heavy to cause some problems, lik is committed to solving all the problems, it combines YD, Dz, kk and other runtime environments, and create its own runtime environment, to play a unique concept, both powerful and free.
Lik has the use of golang language management tools , and more powerful than all previous tools , it supports more advanced map hot update , more intelligent global code obfuscation encryption ( even including Chinese ) , more optimized the management of a variety of resources , can accurately prompt the user abuse of resources and the lack of power is unparalleled , non-competitive products on the market can be comparable to other.
🌈 Use this framework , you can solve all lua environment , japi environment in a variety of strange problems . Has abandoned the poor quality and low-end slk method , everything comes back to lua code. More powerful and complete resource management module and UI writing module , the framework also encapsulates almost all the functions and methods that need to be used . In addition , also supports the insertion of sub-libraries and expansion libraries , so that users can quickly write business , separating them . At the same time the entire project has been basically open source , you can control it all.
If you encounter problems, you can consult the author, who will try to reply you within 7 days.
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