Toolkit for python code lint/test/bump ...
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Python 3.9+
pip install fast-dev-cli
Will install: fast-dev-cli emoji typer ruff mypy bumpversion2 pytest coverage
- Lint py code:
fast lint [/path/to/file-or-directory]
- Check only
fast check
- Bump up version in pyproject.toml
fast bump patch # 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
fast bump minor # 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
fast bump major # 0.1.0 -> 1.0.0
fast bump <part> --commit # bump version and run `git commit`
- Run unittest and report coverage
fast test
- Export requirement file and install
pip install -r
fast sync
- Upgrade main/dev dependencies to latest version (only for poetry project)
fast upgrade
- Start a fastapi server in development mode
fast dev
- Publish to pypi
fast upload
Note: all command support the --dry