Updated: 目前已不再更新
- 对Android开发很感兴趣,学习借鉴一下其他项目的经验;
- 觉得这个Android客户端用着很不爽,想加入自己想要的功能和想法;
- 觉得UI好丑!来设计一下更好的UI;
- 重构达人,看不惯蹩脚的代码,要让应用的性能大幅度提升。
Welcome to the cnblogs android client developer team,this code contains all the source,the design material and the database designment document.The cnblogs android client had realsed two versions,cause the personal idle time is too few,and also wanna get it better by many people.
The code based under the MIT lisence and GPL lisence,In other words,you can download,broadcast,modify and compile the code in any way,but please don't use them to the business and close source project.
If you are the one of the following,welcome to join us:
- Very instrested in android develpment,and thirst for learing from the projects;
- This andriod client is shit,wanna the more perfect app with your own idea;
- Don't like the UI,wanna mix your own idea;
- I'm a rework crazy guy,I hate the ugly code,I wanna the more fast performance.