Conjure extension that allows evaluating top-level forms, ignoring
forms. That is, evaluating the effective root form: the top-most form
under the cursor that is not a comment
During REPL driven development we often evaluate forms in so called
Rich comment blocks: forms enclosed in a comment
-form, which
are ignored by the Clojure compiler, but very useful for development with a
Conjure supports evaluating the root form under the cursor, but when
that root form is a comment
-form, it dutifully does nothing. This is
technically correct behavior, but it would be more convenient if we could
easily evaluate the effective root form in Rich comments.
Efroot enables that behavior by adding the commands
and ConjureEvalCommentEffectiveRootForm
, which
does the same as ConjureEvalRootForm
and ConjureEvalCommentRootForm
respectively, but ignores top-level comment
-forms. These new commands reuse
the original mappings.
Requires Conjure.
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'walterl/conjure-efroot'
Suppose you are testing generation of a configuration file in your REPL, in a Rich comment like in this example:
(spit "config.edn" (pr-str (generate-config)))
(let [config (edn/read-string (slurp "config.edn"))]
(get-in config [:server :port])))
When making changes inside the let
-form's body, you want to re-evaluate the
entire do
-form, but moving the cursor back and forth between the editing
position and the do
-form (so you can call ConjureEvalCurrentForm
) is
Calling :ConjureEvalEffectiveRootForm
from the let
-form's body will
evaluate the do
- Evaluates the effective root form under the cursor.<LocalLeader>ecr
- Evaluates the effective root form under the cursor and adds the result as a comment after the form.
The original ConjureEvalRootForm
and ConjureEvalCommentRootForm
are remapped to <LocalLeader>eR
and <LocalLeader>ecR
, respectively.
Efroot does not use tree-sitter functionality. It also does more work
than ConjureEvalRootForm
, increasing with each form nesting level.
Performance could therefore become an issue when evaluating deeply nested
forms, but that has not been observed yet.
This is because Efroot first collects all forms along the form tree, "between" the current (inner-most) form and the root form, inclusive.