A flask web application for validating Table Type Patterns, built on top of the ttp-tools library.
You can try it online here.
Install the C library requirements for gmpy2 as required by ofequivalence. For Debian based distributions run:
apt install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev
Then use pip to install the python requirements. In the root directory (containing this readme) run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you wish to install TTP validator to the system path use (use the --user option to install for only the local user):
pip install .
The TTP validator uses Flask instance configuration. When running out of a local repository place the ttp-validator.cfg file into a directory named instance:
mkdir instance
cp ttp-validator.cfg instance/
By default ttp-validator.cfg contains a single configuration option:
CACHE_DIR = '/tmp/ttp-validator'
If CACHE_DIR exists the TTP validator saves results to this directory, including errors for debugging. The cache also serves permanent links to results, without which permanent links will not work; for persistence across reboots, you should move the cache directory. If CACHE_DIR does not exist, the validator will silently disable the cache. To enable the default cache path run:
mkdir /tmp/ttp-validator
Refer to the Flask documentation for a full description of how to deploy and run Flask apps.
To run a local server, in the root directory (containing this readme) run.
export FLASK_APP=flask_ttp_validator
flask run
(or python -m flask run)
The code is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, see the included LICENSE file.