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How Fragile is Relation Extraction under Entity Replacements?



This repo includes the source code and data for our work How Fragile is Relation Extraction under Entity Replacements?. In this work, we operate the random and type-constrained entity replacements over the RE instances in TACRED and evaluate the state-of-the-art RE models under the entity replacements. We observe the 30% - 50% F1 score drops on the state-of-the-art RE models under entity replacements.

We evaluate the RE models with the replaced entities and observe many wrong predictions after the entity replacements.

A New Relation Extraction Dataset: ENTRED

[2023/05/29] ENTRED is a challenging relation extraction dataset that we build by applying the type-constrained entity replacements on TACRED. You need not run the code from scratch to build the dataset ENTRED from beginning. We have provided the built ENTRED at new_test.json. ENTRED is in the same data format as the existing relation extraction datasets TACRED, TACREV, and Re-TACRED. We introduce all the .json files as following.

  1. test_entred.json: The proposed benchmark: ENTRED.
  2. test.json: The test set of TACRED.
  3. re_test.json: The test set of Re-TACRED.
  4. rev_test.json: The test set of TACREV.

Install Dependencies (Optional)

pip install -r requirements.txt

Evaluate LUKE on TACRED and ENTRED

Evaluate LUKE on TACRED:

python --input_file test.json --output_file luke_test.output --model luke

Evaluate LUKE on ENTRED:

python --input_file test_entred.json --output_file luke_test_entred.output --model luke

Evaluate LUKE under entity replacements

python --input_file test.json --output_file output_luke_200.json --model luke --repeat_time 200
Relation extraction models are fragile to our entity replacements (ENTRE)

Collect Person and Organization Names from Wikipedia (Optional)


This step can be skipped because we have stored the outputs to wiki_organization.output and wiki_person.output.

Data Analysis of Existing Relation Extraction Datasets (Optional)


This step can be skipped because we have stored the outputs to final_id_resample_ls.output.


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