A chart to deploy Hbase with Hadoop using Kubernetes. Heavily inspired by the Hadoop chart.
This chart was developed without former k8s experience, please help us improve the chart by contributing to it!
You need:
- Kubernetes 1.8
- Helm
helm install --name myzk incubator/zookeeper --set servers=1,heap="1G"
helm del --purge hbase;helm install . --name hbase
This chart is using several functionalities from Kubernetes.
ConfigMap: at first, it is used as key-value to store elements. Here, we are using it to store config files. Furthermore, we are using it to inject a boostrap.sh to start our container.
- For every container, we are mouting a container in /tmp based on the content of the ConfigMap (one entry == one file).
- Entrypoint for every component is the bash called
, which is hold by the ConfigMap. bootstrap.sh
is copying the files in the ConfigMap to the right location, starting the daemon and tail the logs
Headless Service: In Kubernetes, every request to a pod a loadbalanced through a proxy by default. But Hbase is directly trying to connect to the RS, so by enabling headless mode, we can directly access the RS container.
StatefulSet: it is used to deploy stateful applications to Kubernetes.
PodDisruptionBudget: Allow user to define policy on pod failure.
PersistentVolumClaim: allows pod to have volumes for data. Used for HDFS.
There's a YAML per role and per functionality. Binding is done through Selectors.
- Namenode HA
- Hbase Master HA
- Include Zookeeper into the Charts