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Poke UI

A simple UI for Poke.


Building Poke UI from source


Install Polymer CLI using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g polymer-cli

Initialize project

To start, clone this repo :

git clone 
cd poke-ui

and run:

npm install

Start the development server

This command serves the app at and provides basic URL routing for the app:

polymer serve --npm


The polymer build command builds your Polymer application for production, using build configuration options provided in the project's polymer.json file.

You can configure your polymer.json file to create multiple builds. This is necessary if you will be serving different builds optimized for different browsers. You can define your own named builds, or use presets. See the documentation on building your project for production for more information.

Poke UI is configured to create three builds. These builds will be output to a subdirectory under the build/ directory as follows:

  • es6-bundled is a bundled, minified build with a service worker. ES6 code is served as-is. This build is for browsers that can handle ES6 code - see building your project for production for a list.
  • esm-bundled is a bundled, minified build with a service worker. It uses standard ES module import/export statements for browsers that support them.

Run polymer help build for the full list of available options and optimizations. Also, see the documentation on the polymer.json specification and building your Polymer application for production.

Preview the build

This command serves your app. Replace build-folder-name with the folder name of the build you want to serve.

npm start build/build-folder-name/