Breeze is a port (more or less) of Tailwind into Haxe.
Breeze is a css-in-haxe library that works very much like Tailwind, just using macros instead of class names. While it can create and apply css at runtime, it's designed to generate a css file at compile time. This means that Breeze has very little overhead -- it compiles away to class name strings, a few helper functions and nothing else.
Here's a simple example of what Breeze looks like in action:
import Breeze;
final box = Breeze.compose(
Spacing.pad('y', 1),
Spacing.pad('x', 2),
ColorScheme.light(Border.color('black', 0)),
ColorScheme.dark(Border.color('white', 0)),
--test: #ccc;
background-color: var(--test);
Todo: more details about how all this works.
By default, Breeze will output a file named styles.css
next to the compiler output. You can configure this with the -D breeze.output
# Don't output anything:
-D breeze.output=none
# Don't output anything, but generate code for runtime
# styles:
-D breeze.output=runtime
# Output css to the given file name, relative to the
# compiler output path (a `css` extension will be added automatically):
-D breeze.output=app-styles
# Output css relative to the current working directory
# (a `css` extension will be added automatically):
-D breeze.output=cwd:assets/styles
# Output css to an absolute path:
-D breeze.output=abs:../project/assets/styles