Race monitor and little game utilizing the SmartRace-App for slotcar racing.
This app receives events from the smartrace app for slotcar racing. See smartrace.de and buy them a coffee. The adapter uses the data interface which is a paid feature, so if you don't have a slotcar racetrack and don't use the smartrace app or don't want to pay for the data interface then this app is not for you.
- first working version
- Under releases, you find prebuilt packages for Android, Windows, Linux and macOS.
- Windows: Extract and start executable.
- Linux: Extract and start executable.
- Android: Install package for your architecture or try app-release.apk
- macOS: I don't know. Look into macos-release.zip. Feedback welcome.
- ioOS. I don't know. I can build an iosApp, but don't know which files are necessary to install. Contact me if you can provide any help.
- Start SmartRace-App
- Enable and configure data interface according to https://www.smartrace.de/en/the-smartrace-manual/data-interface/
- URL needs to be the url or ip of the device on which this app runs. Port is 8085.
- Start this app.
- On starting or stopping the control unit the current state should be visible under
Race Status
- On driving over the finish line the driver should appear under
Race Status
. You can reset this list with the littlex
- On starting or stopping the control unit the current state should be visible under
- Playing the game.
- All driver have to work together to get points.
- After each driver is recognized. Hit the
button. - The game chooses a random driver and shows the controller color. This driver is the next to cross the finish line to get points. If a wrong driver crosses the line first you loose a point.
- The game duration is 5 minutes. Try to get as many points as possible.
This project is a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.