Navigate to the terraform
cd terraform
Copy backend.sample.tfvars
to backend.tfvars
and replace with your resource group, storage account and container to store your remote terraform state.
resource_group_name = "<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>"
storage_account_name = "<STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME>"
container_name = "<CONTAINER_NAME>"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
The key names here are required based on the
remote state provider
Copy variables.sample.tfvars
to variables.tfvars
and replace with your settings.
APP_NAME = "tf"
It is recommended to use short names since these abbreviations will be used as part of the naming conventions on your deployed resources
Ensure your are logged in to Azure via the CLI
az login
az login account set -s <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
Initialize your project
terraform init -backend-config backend.tfvars
Create your workspaces to keep terraform state separate per environment
terraform workspace new dev
terraform workspace new test
terraform workspace new prod
Select the workspace/environment you want to deploy to
terraform workspace select dev
Plan your deployment
terraform plan -out out.tfplan -var-file variables.tfvars
Review your plan and deploy
terraform apply out.tfplan