A Python client library for the Historical Obs API. Check out the API docs to reference exposed endpoints.
pip install skywise-historical-obs
Windows Users You will most likely need to install gevent beforehand. You can typically find the latest wheel here.
The easiest (and recommended) way to configure authentication to the API is by setting the following environment variables:
Otherwise, you'll need to set your App ID/Key explicitly in your app/script before making API calls:
from skywisehistoricalobs import HistoricalObsResource
Let's test out our install by requesting the stations nearest to the Lakefront Airport in New Orleans, LA:
import arrow
import json
from skywisehistoricalobs import Station
lat = 30.037
lon = -90.039
lakefront = Station.nearest(lat, lon)[0]
print lakefront
Your output should look something similar to this:
{u'distance': 1.6430734391, u'latest_recorded_at': u'2016-12-13T00:00:00Z', u'description': u'LAKEFRONT AIRPORT US LA KNEW', u'earliest_recorded_at': u'1942-09-01T00:00:00Z', u'location': {u'latitude': 30.049, u'elevation': 2.7, u'longitude': -90.029}, u'id': u'722315-53917'}
We can now get the observations from the nearby Lakefront Airport during the historic landfall of hurricane Katrina in 2005.
start = arrow.get(2005, 8, 29, 11, 00)
end = arrow.get(2005, 8, 29, 12, 00)
katrina_obs = lakefront.observations(start=start, end=end)
print katrina_obs[-1]
You should see output like :
{u'metar': u'08/29/05 05:53:00 METAR KNEW 291153Z 04060G75KT 1/4SM FG SCT001 BKN009 OVC016 26/A2859 RMK AO2 PRESFR SLP679 P0123 60663 70719 T0261 10267 20250 58182 RVRNO', u'measurements': [{u'parameter': u'wind_direction', u'value': 40, u'unit': u'degrees'}, {u'parameter': u'wind_speed', u'value': 30.9, u'unit': u'meters_per_second'}, {u'parameter': u'visibility', u'value': 402, u'unit': u'meters'}, {u'parameter': u'temperature', u'value': 26.1, u'unit': u'celsius'}, {u'parameter': u'wind_gust', u'value': 38.6, u'unit': u'mps'}, {u'parameter': u'cloud_cover', u'value': 100, u'unit': u'percent'}, {u'parameter': u'precipitation_1h', u'value': 31.2, u'unit': u'millimeters'}, {u'parameter': u'precipitation_6h', u'value': 168.4, u'unit': u'millimeters'}, {u'parameter': u'precipitation_24h', u'value': 182.6, u'unit': u'millimeters'}, {u'parameter': u'altimeter', u'value': 968.2, u'unit': u'millibars'}], u'recorded_at': u'2005-08-29T11:53:00Z'}