This repository contains a very basic Wireshark protocol dissector written in Lua. I hope you find it useful when documenting unknown protocols. Happy protocol reversing. In addition, I have included a client and server written in Ruby. These programs are used to speak a made up protocol to each other, which the Wireshark decoder will parse. This is a very basic example to guide you learning about either Wireshark Lua protocol decoders and/or Ruby client/server protocol development.
Make sure the Wireshark Lua init file ${HOME}/.wireshark/init.lua contains a command to load your protocol parser.
dofile(os.getenv("HOME") .. "/protocolander/target_protocol.lua")
The current example shows setting a default TCP port of 4444 for the dissector. You should change this value according to your target.
There are two Ruby scripts in the repo to act as the client and server of a made up protocol. You can use the target_protocol.lua dissector to dissect this protocol in Wireshark. This can serve as a playground for people to learn about both writing protocols and dissecting their network packets.