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Web 4.x Philosophy

mdonges edited this page Nov 9, 2023 · 4 revisions

Creation is an uphill battle from chaos to order

Where there is order, we find a thriving garden of life, self sustaining and prospering in diverse exchange of highly specialized forms of converted energy.

While downhill we find the sea of fire - the magma of earth's core - and the abyss of vast, empty, darkness into seemingly endless, mostly dead space.

It gives you answers to questions, that you could not ask before, because you did not know that you could have asked about them.

It will let you feel if you are on the way uphill or downhill.

It will bring light into the deepest darknesses of your organization’s unconsciousness to integrate** in the economic web that will sustain the uphill blue marble shining full of wonders onto the dead moon.

Like this, reading will change your perspective and tweak and correct your opinions on what you thought, you did already know but had no clue you got it wrong.

When you think you can read this wiki linear, then you forgot that the marvellous blue spaceship is spiralling its way through the cosmic web 4: the fractal library on which we hitchhike to experience the preexisting order of the temple of creation.

But before you are done with reading, use this infinitely equipped spaceship and what is at your hands and help us promote web 4 the purpose of fighting together our only common enemy: death by downhill entropy.

Two gather 2 discover the answer 4 life, the universe and every-thing else: 42

Now let’s start to change ourselves and each other to fulfill the uphill assignment which we were originally made for.

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