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Releases: webdiscus/html-bundler-webpack-plugin


08 Sep 18:01
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  • Supports Node.js version 18+.

  • Supports Webpack version 5.81+.

  • The plugin option property is not static anymore:

    OLD (up to v3.x)

    class MyPlugin extends HtmlBundlerPlugin {
      constructor(options = {}) {
        super({ ...options });
      init(compiler) {
        // MyPlugin.option. ...; <= was as static property

    NEW (since v4.0)

    class MyPlugin extends HtmlBundlerPlugin {
      constructor(options = {}) {
        super({ ...options });
      init(compiler) {
        // this.option. ...; <= now is non static property
  • Using the addProcess() plugin method is changed:

    OLD (up to v3.x)

    class MyPlugin extends HtmlBundlerPlugin {
      constructor(options = {}) {
        super({ ...options });
      init(compiler) {
        // the method was as property of the static `option`
        MyPlugin.option.addProcess('postprocess', (content) => {
          return content;

    NEW (since v4.0)

    class MyPlugin extends HtmlBundlerPlugin {
      constructor(options = {}) {
        super({ ...options });
      init(compiler) {
        // now is the class method
        this.addProcess('postprocess', (content) => {
          return content;


  • The watchFiles.files option has been renamed to watchFiles.includes.
    The files option is still supported but is deprecated.
    It's recommended to replace the files with includes in your config.

  • The watchFiles.ignore option has been renamed to watchFiles.excludes.
    The ignore option is still supported but is deprecated.
    It's recommended to replace the ignore with excludes in your config.


  • Added support the multiple webpack configuration:
const path = require('path');
const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('@test/html-bundler-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = [
    name: 'first',
    output: {
      path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/web1/'),
    plugins: [
      new HtmlBundlerPlugin({
        entry: {
          index: './web1/views/home.html',

    name: 'second',
    output: {
      path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/web2'),
    plugins: [
      new HtmlBundlerPlugin({
        entry: {
          index: './web2/views/home.html',
  • Display webpack config name in console output:
    module.exports = {
      name: 'client', // <= this name will displayed in console output


  • Fixed ERROR in RealContentHashPlugin in serv/watch mode after adding new import file.
  • Fixed ERROR in RealContentHashPlugin when using integrity in serv/watch mode after changes by using dynamic import.


  • Refactored all static classes to regular, this is needed to support webpack multiple configurations.
  • Updated dev packages, many packages requires Node.js >= v18.


16 Aug 13:18
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Cumulative Release v3.13.0 - v3.17.4


  • Added support the ?inline query for styles imported in JavaScript:
    import './style-a.css?inline'; // the extracted CSS will be injected into HTML
    import './style-b.css'; // the extracted CSS will be saved into separate output file
  • Added runtime option for the handlebars preprocessor.
  • Updated eta package to latest version 3.4.0.
  • Added watchFiles.includes and watchFiles.excludes options to allow watch specifically external file,
    e.g. *.md file included via Pug filter from any location outer project directory.
  • Added resolving the url() value in the style attribute:
    <div style="background-image: url(./image.png);"></div>

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ERROR in RealContentHashPlugin when using integrity in serv/watch mode after changes in dynamic imported JS files or after adding new import file
  • Fixed issue in dev mode imports SCSS in JS when in the same file is inlined another SCSS file via ?inline query, #102.
  • Fixed error when integrity option is enabled but no template defined in entry, #107.
  • Fixed issue when using the integrity option, leaves the original attributes in the script tag as is.
  • Resolving source file in a tag attribute when another attribute contains the > char, e.g.:
    <img src="./arrow.png" alt="right->">


25 May 17:01
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Cumulative Release v3.6.0 - v3.12.0


  • Added support for the css-loader option exportType as css-style-sheet.
  • Added entryFilter option to include or exclude entry files when the entry option is the path.
  • Added support the CSS Modules for styles imported in JS using the css-loader modules option.
    Required: css-loader >= 7.0.0
    The CSS module rule in the webpack config:
      test: /\.(css)$/,
      use: [
          loader: 'css-loader',
          options: {
            modules: {
              localIdentName: '[name]__[local]__[hash:base64:5]',
              exportLocalsConvention: 'camelCase',
    .red {
      color: red;
    .green {
      color: green;
    Using in JS:
    // the styles contains CSS class names: { red: 'main__red__us4Tv', green: 'main__green__bcpRp' }
    import styles from './main.css';
  • Added support for dynamic import of styles
    const loadStyles = () => import('./component.scss');
  • Added (for Pug) experimental (undocumented) syntax to include (using ?include query) compiled CSS directly into style tag to allow keep tag attributes
    will be generate
    <style scope="some">
      ... CSS ...
  • Added the possibility to add many post processes. Next postprocess receives the result from previous.
    So you can extend this plugin with additional default functionality.
    class MyPlugin extends HtmlBundlerPlugin {
      init(compiler) {
        MyPlugin.option.addProcess('postprocess', (content) => {
          // TODO: modify the generated HTML content
          return content;
    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
        new MyPlugin({
          entry: {
            index: './src/index.html',
    This feature is used in the pug-plugin for pretty formatting generated HTML.
    See an example in the test case.
  • Added resolving resource files in an attribute containing the JSON value using the require() function,
    source template:
    <a href="#" data-image='{ "alt":"image", "imgSrc": require("./pic1.png"), "bgImgSrc": require("./pic2.png") }'> ... </a>
    generated HTML contains resolved output assets filenames:
    <a href="#" data-image='{ "alt":"image", "imgSrc": "img/pic1.da3e3cc9.png", "bgImgSrc": "img/pic2.e3cc9da3.png" }'> ... </a>

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when used js dynamic import with magic comments /* webpackPrefetch: true */ and using the plugin option css.inline=true, #88
  • Fixed ansi colors for verbose output in some terminals.
  • Fixed extraction CSS from styles imported in dynamically imported JS.
  • Fixed define the unique instance name for the plugin as HtmlBundlerPlugin instead of Plugin.
  • Fixed catching of the error when a peer dependency for a Pug filter is not installed.
  • Fixed resolving asset files on windows.
  • Fixed avoid recompiling all entry templates after changes of a non-entry partial file, pug-plugin issue.


07 Mar 21:45
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Cumulative Release v3.5.1 - v3.5.5

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed parsing the data passed via query in JSON notation, e.g.: index.ejs?{"title":"Homepage","lang":"en"}.
  • Fixed the parsing of the generated HTML, ignore files already resolved via a preprocessor, e.g. pug.
  • Fixed the resolving the resource required in pug code and content, also outer tag attributes.
  • Fixed the resolving of images generated via responsive-loader when used query parameters with , and & separators.
  • Fixed the resolving of the required resources in multiple pages, in Pug templates.
  • Fixed when used TS then could not find a declaration file for module 'html-bundler-webpack-plugin'.


  • Initialize the Config only once.
  • Lazy load the plugin config file.
  • Optimize code for other plugins extending from this plugin.


The entry option can be as array of entry items:

  entry: [
      filename: 'index.html', // output filename in dist/
      import: 'src/views/index.html', // template file
      data: { title: 'Homepage' }, // page specifically variables
      filename: 'news/sport.html',
      import: 'src/views/news/sport/index.html',
      data: { title: 'Sport' },


19 Feb 12:25
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  • Added support for Pug templating engine.
    The pug preprocessor based on the @webdiscus/pug-loader source code and has the same options and features.


18 Feb 23:06
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Cumulative Release v3.4.7 - v3.4.12

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed serialization issue when used the cache.type = 'filesystem'.
  • Fixed missing output js files after second run build when used the cache.type = 'filesystem'.
  • Fixed error by resolving url() in the CSS file defined in the entry option.
  • Fixed save the webmanifest files in the directory defined in the faviconOptions.path option.
  • Fixed use the favicons default options for the build-in FaviconsBundlerPlugin when no plugin options.
  • Fixed error by resolving url(date:image...) in CSS.
  • Fixed if the same CSS file is imported in many js files, then the CSS is extracted for the first issuer only, #68.


07 Jan 11:46
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Cumulative Release v3.2.0 - v3.4.6


  • Added support for Twig templating engine.
  • Added support for the template function on the client-side for Eta templating engine.
  • Added support for the template function on the client-side for EJS templating engine.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the pathData.filename is undefined after changes when the js.filename is a function, #66.
  • Fixed extraction CSS from complex libs like MUI that leads to an infinity walk by circular dependency, #59
  • Fixed an error explaining when used the build-in favicon plugin and the template not included a link tag, #64.
  • Fixed watching changes in template function imported in JS, #60.
  • Fixed runtime error using template function in JS when external data is not defined, #60.


25 Nov 11:57
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  • Added support for the template function in JS runtime on the client-side in the browser.
    For example:
import personTmpl from './partials/person.ejs';

// render template function with variables in browser
document.getElementById('person').innerHTML = personTmpl({ name: 'Walter White', age: 50});

The template function works with preprocessors: ejs, handlebars, nunjucks.
Note: The eta (default preprocessor) doesn't support the template function in JS on the client-side, use the ejs instead.

  • Added CSS extraction from styles used in *.vue files.
    For example, MyComponent.vue:
    <script setup>
    <!-- CSS will be extracted from the SCSS file into a separate *.css file -->
    <style src="./style.scss" lang="scss"></style>
    <!-- CSS will be extracted from the style tag into a separate *.css file -->
      h1 {
        color: red;

Bug fixes

  • FIxed access to @root variables in Handlebars partial helper inside the each block.


22 Nov 16:26
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed installation error 'Invalid tag name of the favicons package' (introduced in v3.0.0).
  • Added the missing plugins directory to package.


09 Nov 15:11
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🔆 What's New in v3


Changed arguments and return of the postprocess callback option.

OLD < v3.0.0:

postprocess(content: string, info: TemplateInfo, compilation: webpack.Compilation): string | null;

type TemplateInfo = {
  filename: string | ((pathData: PathData) => string);
  assetFile: string;
  sourceFile: string;
  outputPath: string;
  verbose: boolean | undefined;

When return null then the template processing was skipped.

NEW >= v3.0.0 :
Removed unused/useless properties: filename, verbose.
Added properties: name, resource.

postprocess(content: string, info: TemplateInfo, compilation: webpack.Compilation): string | undefined;

type TemplateInfo = {
  name: string; // the entry name
  assetFile: string; // the output asset filename relative to output path
  sourceFile: string;  // the source filename without a query
  resource: string; // the source filename including a query
  outputPath: string; // output path of assetFile

When return null or undefined then the content stay unchanged by postprocess and will be procedded in next hooks/callbacks.


  • Added beforePreprocessor hook.

  • Added beforePreprocessor callback option.

  • Added preprocessor hook.

  • Added resolveSource hook.

  • Added postprocess hook

  • Optimized postprocess callback option, moved from renderManifest sync hook to processAssets async hook.

  • Added beforeEmit hook.

  • Added beforeEmit callback option.

  • Added afterEmit hook.

  • Added afterEmit callback option.

  • Added possibility to create own plugin using the hooks: beforePreprocessor, preprocessor, resolveSource, postprocess, beforeEmit, afterEmit.

  • Added the first plugin (plugin for bundler plugin :-) - FaviconsBundlerPlugin to generate and inject favicon tags for many devices.
    For example:

    const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin');
    const { FaviconsBundlerPlugin } = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin/plugins');
    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
        new HtmlBundlerPlugin({
          entry: {
            index: './src/views/index.html',
        // add the plugin to extend the functionality of the HtmlBundlerPlugin
        new FaviconsBundlerPlugin({
          faviconOptions: { ... }, // favicons configuration options

    If you use the favicons-bundler-plugin, you need to install the favicons module.

  • Added possibility to load CSS file dynamically in JavaScript.
    For example:

    function loadCSS(file) {
      const style = document.createElement('link');
      style.href = file;
      style.rel = 'stylesheet';
    loadCSS(require('./style.scss?url')); // <= dynamic load the source style file with `url` query
  • Added js.inline.attributeFilter option to keep some original script tag attributes when JS is inlined.
    For example, keep the id and text/javascript attributes by inlined <script id="my-id">...inlined JS code...</script>:

    new HtmlBundlerPlugin({
      // ...
      js: {
        inline: {
          attributeFilter: ({ attributes, attribute, value }) => {
            if (attribute === 'type' && value === 'text/javascript') return true;
            if (attribute === 'id' && attributes?.type === 'text/javascript') return true;

Bug Fixes

  • Added the root dir of the module to exports field in the package.json.