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rpc, pub/sub between js and natives both way and some helpers for react-native.

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Getting started

$ npm install react-native-xrpc --save

Mostly automatic installation

non-guaranteed, not recommend!

$ react-native link react-native-xrpc

Manual installation


update Podfile

pod 'RNXRPC', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-xrpc', :subspecs => [
        'Helper', // helpers.


  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-xrpc'
    project(':react-native-xrpc').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-xrpc/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-xrpc')
  3. Add Package Add new RNXRPCPackage() to ReactInstanceManager builder.

not recommend, this release may not be the latest and may not match with javascript version.

compile 'com.github.webee:react-native-utils-android:v<version>'




  • import XRPC

    import XRPC from 'react-native-xrpc';
  • arguments

    // input arguments:
    // ([context, ]args, kwargs[, reply])
    // context: method context;       type: Object;   eg: {user: "test"};
    //    args: array arguments;      type: Array;    eg: [1, 2, "c"];
    //  kwargs: dictionary arguments; type: Object;   eg: {sync: true};
    //   reply: async reply API, {.replyNext(...xargs), .reply(...xargs), .error(err, ...xargs)}
    //          .replyNext: reply subscribe call partial result.
    //          .reply:     reply call result or done subscribe call with last result.
    //          .error:     reply call error.
    //      non-async calls is the same as .reply(<ret value>) or .error(<throw exception>.toString())
    // parse xargs
    // parse(xargs) => [args, kwargs], args, kwargs is the same as input arguments.
    // xargs is an Array.
    // if xargs is this pattern: [...args, undefined, kwargs], then => [args, kwargs];
    // else [...args] => [args, {}];
    // output arguments:
    // reply:     (args, kwargs): same as input arguments.
    // replyNext: (args, kwargs): ditto.
    // error:     (err, args, kwargs): err is a error string; ditto.
  • register procedure

    // sync procedure
    XRPC.register("test.arithmetic", ([a, b], {op}) => {
      switch (a) {
        case "+":
          return a + b;
        case "*":
          return a * b;
          return 0;
    // sync procedure with context.
    XRPC.register("test.user.add", ({user}, [a, b]) => {
      return `${user}: ${a+b}`;
    }, {withContext: true});
    // async procedure
    XRPC.register("test.async", ([n, m], {d}, reply) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        reply.reply(n * m);
      }, d);
    }, {isAsync: true});
    // async subscribe procedure
    XRPC.register("test.async.sub", async ([n=1], _, reply) => {
      for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
    }, {isAsync: true});
  • subscribe event

    // subscribe native event.
    XRPC.subscribe("test.event.log", (args, kwargs) => {
      console.log(args, kwargs);
    // subscribe native event with context.
    XRPC.subscribe("test.user.event.log", (context, args, kwargs) => {
      console.log(context.user, args, kwargs);
    }, {withContext:true});
  • xrpc Module

    register procedures and subscribe events are ways to setup js methods for native to invoke. module is a modular way to organize this js methods.

    import {xMod, register, subscribe, isAsync, withContext, registerXMod} from 'react-native-xrpc';
    class Test {
      constructor(initialCount=0) {
        // here we can init module states.
        this.count = initialCount;
      // sync procedure
      inc() {
        // access states.
        return ++this.count;
      // sync procedure
      arithmetic([a, b], {op}) {
        switch (a) {
          case "+":
            return a + b;
          case "*":
            return a * b;
            return 0;
      // sync procedure with context.
      userAdd({user}, [a, b]) {
        return `${user}: ${a+b}`;
      // async procedure
      asyncMethod([n, m], {d}, reply) {
        setTimeout(() => {
          reply.reply(n * m);
        }, d);
      // async subscribe procedure
      async asyncSubMethod([n=1], _, reply) {
        for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
          await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
      // subscribe native event.
      eventLog(args, kwargs) {
        console.log(args, kwargs);
      // subscribe native event with context.
      userEventLog({user}, args, kwargs) {
        console.log(user, args, kwargs);
    // register xrpc module
    // register all new Test(1)'s registered and subscribed js methods with prefix "test." path.
    registerXMod("test", Test, 1);
  • invoke native methods

    // call a native procedure."test.proc.add", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        .then(sum =>"test.proc.toast", `sum: ${sum}`, XRPC.C.Toast.SHORT))
        .catch(err => console.log(err));
    // call a native procedure
    // XRPC.C.* is xrpc's constants, see: helper RN && RNX."test.proc.toast", "hello", XRPC.C.Toast.SHORT);
    // send event to native.
    XRPC.emit("test.event.toast", "hello", XRPC.C.Toast.LONG);
  • helpers

    import XRPC, {exitApp, EntryComponent} from 'react-native-xrpc'
    // if you use the helper(android, ios) to start a module
    // this.props.appInstID is set for you, it's the unique module id.
    exitApp(appInstID)  // will exit this react app instance.
                        //if appInstID is undefined, will exit all modules(most time, you only have just one);
    // extends from EntryComponent for your entry module.
    // this will handle android back for you.
    class MyModuleEntry extends EntryComponent {


  • helpers

    // RN
    // react native setup.
    // initialize RNXRPCModule constants;
    Bundle c = new Bundle();
    c.putInt("SHORT", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
    c.putInt("LONG", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
    Map<String, Bundle> extraConstants = new HashMap<>();
    extraConstants.put("Toast", c);
    // extra packages.
    List<ReactPackage> packages = Arrays.asList(
            new RealmReactPackage(),
            new RNXRPCPackage(extraConstants),
            new MyReactPackage()
    // load
    RN.setup(this, BuildConfig.DEBUG, packages);
    // Now:
    // RN.inst() -> <ReactInstanceManager>
    // RN.xrpc() -> <RNXRPC>
    RN.newXrpc(Bundle context); // create a xrpc with default context.
    // add to mainifest
    // then, start a module
    startActivity(ReactNativeActivity.getStartIntent(this, "MyModuleEntry", null));
    // RNX
    // RN is the default RNX
    // load
    RNX rnx = new RNX(this, ".xxx", BuildConfig.DEBUG, Arrays.asList(
            new RealmReactPackage(),
            new RNXRPCPackage()
  • xrpc

    // create a xrpc client with a ReactInstanceManager.
    RNXRPCClient xrpc = new RNXRPCClient(instanceManager);
    // or:
    xrpc = RN.xrpc()
    xrpc = RN.newXrpc()
    // or:
    xrpc = rnx.xrpc()
    xrpc = rnx.newXrpc()
  • call js procedure

    // call a procedure"", null, null)
          .then(new Transform<Reply, Integer>() {
              public Integer run(Reply reply) {
                  ReadableArray args = reply.args;
                  return args.getInt(0);
          .fulfilled(new Action<Integer>() {
              public void run(Integer val) {
                  Log.i("", val.toString());
          .rejected(new Action<Throwable>() {
              public void run(Throwable e) {
                  Log.e("", e.getMessage());
          .settled(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                  Log.i("", "completed");
    // call a context procedure
    Bundle context = new Bundle();
    context.putString("user", "test");"test.user.add", context, new Object[]{1, 2}, null)
            .then(new Transform<Reply, String>() {
                public String run(Reply reply) {
                    ReadableArray args = reply.args;
                    return args.getString(0);
            .fulfilled(new Action<String>() {
                public void run(String sum) {
                    Log.i("XRPC.user.add", sum);
            .rejected(new Action<Throwable>() {
                public void run(Throwable e) {
                    Log.e("XRPC.user.add", e.getMessage());
            .settled(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    Log.i("XRPC.user.add", "completed");
    // subscribe call a subscribe procedure.
    // if you call a subscribe procedure, you get the last result.
    RN.xrpc().subCall("test.async.sub", new Object[]{7}, null)
          .map(new Func1<Reply, Integer>() {
              public Integer call(Reply reply) {
                  ReadableArray args = reply.args;
                  return args.getInt(0);
          .subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() {
              public void onCompleted() {
                  Log.i("", "completed");
              public void onError(Throwable e) {
                  Log.e("", e.getMessage());
              public void onNext(Integer v) {
                  Log.i("", v.toString());
  • emit event to js subscriber

    // emit event to js.
    Bundle kwargs = new Bundle();
    kwargs.putInt("a", 123);
    xrpc.emit("test.event.log", new Object[]{"hello", 123}, null);
    // emit event to js with context.
    Bundle context = new Bundle();
    context.putString("user", "test");
    xrpc.emit("test.user.event.log", context, new Object[]{"hello", 123}, null);
  • register a procedure

    // register a native procedure.
      .subscribe(new Subscriber<Request>() {
          public void onCompleted() {
              Log.i("XRPC.proc.add", "completed");
          public void onError(Throwable e) {
              Log.e("XRPC.proc.add", e.getMessage());
          public void onNext(Request request) {
              int sum = 0;
              ReadableArray args = request.args;
              for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
                  sum += args.getInt(i);
    // register native procedure.
      .subscribe(new Subscriber<Request>() {
          public void onCompleted() {
              Log.i("XRPC.proc.toast", "completed");
          public void onError(Throwable e) {
              Log.e("XRPC.proc.toast", e.getMessage());
          public void onNext(Request request) {
              ReadableArray args = request.args;
              String s = args.getString(0);
              int duration = args.getInt(1);
              Toast.makeText(request.context, s, duration).show();
  • subscribe js event.

      .subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
          public void onCompleted() {
              Log.i("XRPC.event.toast", "completed");
          public void onError(Throwable e) {
              Log.e("XRPC.event.toast", e.getMessage());
          public void onNext(Event e) {
              ReadableArray args = event.args;
              String s = args.getString(0);
              int duration = args.getInt(1);
              Log.i("XRPC.event.toast", s);
              Toast.makeText(e.context, s, duration).show();


  • helper

    #ifdef DEBUG
        _env = @"dev";
        _env = @"prod";
    // RN
    // setup react native bridge.
    // load index.ios.jsbundle
    [RN setupWithEnv: _env
     andExtraModules: @[[[RNXRPC alloc] initWithExtraConstants:@{@"Toast": @{@"SHORT":@0, @"LONG":@1}}]]
       launchOptions: nil];
    // Now
    // [RN xrpc] -> <RNXRPC>
    // [RN bridge] -> <RCTBridge>
    [RN newXrpc:defaultContext] // create a xrpc with default context.
    // then, start a module
    UIViewController* vc = [[RNViewController alloc] initWithModule:@"MyModuleEntry" initialProperties:nil];
    [self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
    // RNX
    // RN is the default RNX
    // load
    RNX *rnx = [[RNX alloc] initWithEnv:env andName:@"xxx" andExtraModules:extraModules launchOptions:launchOptions];
  • xrpc etc

    // interface is the same as java.
    // Promise4j -> PromiseKit
    // rxJava -> ReactiveObjC
    // details: refer RNXRPCClient.{h,m}


rpc, pub/sub between js and natives both way and some helpers for react-native.







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