Maya Scraper is a java program that scrape the UM Maya sites for the timetable database and output them into .csv file.
You can get the latest release build by downloading from the release tab or you can clone the project and build it yourself.
Download the chrome driver based on the current chrome version installed on your computer from here.
Then put it into a folder named \Driver\
in the same directory of your JAR
For Example, if your JAR
file is in a folder called MayaScraper
on your desktop:
C:\User\<Your Username>\Desktop\MayaScraper\Driver\chromedriver.exe
After cloning the project, you can do
mvn package
to install all the dependencies and build them into a JAR file.
To run the project on Windows, open up a command prompt or powershell and run
java -jar MayaScraping-1.0.jar
A prompt asking for your maya login username should show up
Enter Username:
- Selenium Java WebDriver - A WebDriver for browser automation
- Maven - Software Project Management tool
- Jsoup - For parsing html source returned by the Selenium WebDriver
Feel free to submit a pull request if you wish to contribute to this project.