The Trustable Adult Discord Bot
Trustable Adult is a Discord bot by Weijing Wang and Kyler Chin and it is truly a trustable adult.
Type /help
in the chat to get help
Trustable Adult is just a glued up piece of junk I made but is real cool yeah?
Doesn't like bad boys & girls; calls them out for swearing.
Other cool stuff available when you type /help
NO NOT SAFE FOR WORK Content!!! Trustable Adult is someone that is Trustworthy. Trustable Adult is Not the kind of person that would show the youth innapopo pictures :)
Dependencies: NodeJS LTS or better, NPM
To install the package dependencies, use npm install
First, get a discord bot token for the API here: Then edit the file config.json and paste in your token under the "token" json.
Finally, to startup your bot, use node app.js
on your server.
ENJOY!!! :)