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We aim to build a toolkit focusing on front-end processing in the cocktail party set up, including target speaker extraction and speech separation (Future work)

Install for development & deployment

  • Clone this repo
  • Create conda env: pytorch version >= 1.12.0 is required !!!
conda create -n wesep python=3.9
conda activate wesep
conda install pytorch=1.12.1 torchaudio=0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install  # for clean and tidy code

The Target Speaker Extraction Task

Target speaker extraction (TSE) focuses on isolating the speech of a specific target speaker from overlapped multi-talker speech, which is a typical setup in the cocktail party problem. WeSep is featured with flexible target speaker modeling, scalable data management, effective on-the-fly data simulation, structured recipes and deployment support.

Features (To Do List)

  • On the fly data simulation
    • Dynamic Mixture simulation
    • Dynamic Reverb simulation
    • Dynamic Noise simulation
  • Support time- and frequency- domain models
    • Time-domain
      • conv-tasnet based models
        • Spex+
    • Frequency domain
      • pBSRNN
      • pDPCCN
      • tf-gridnet (Extremely slow, need double check)
  • Training Criteria
    • SISNR loss
    • GAN loss (Need further investigation)
  • Datasets
    • Libri2Mix (Illustration for pre-mixed speech)
    • VoxCeleb (Illustration for online training)
    • WSJ0-2Mix
  • Speaker Embedding
    • Wespeaker Intergration
    • Joint Learned Speaker Embedding
    • Different fusion methods
  • Pretrained models
  • CLI Usage
  • Runtime

Data Pipe Design

Following Wenet and WesSeaker, WeSep organizes the data processing modules as a pipeline of a set of different processors. The following figure shows such a pipeline with essential processors.


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If you find wespeaker useful, please cite it as

  title     = {WeSep: A Scalable and Flexible Toolkit Towards Generalizable Target Speaker Extraction},
  author    = {Shuai Wang and Ke Zhang and Shaoxiong Lin and Junjie Li and Xuefei Wang and Meng Ge and Jianwei Yu and Yanmin Qian and Haizhou Li},
  year      = {2024},
  booktitle = {Interspeech 2024},
  pages     = {4273--4277},
  doi       = {10.21437/Interspeech.2024-1840},