Define a boost fusion struct "".
Use to_json(object from your type) to create a json with the data from your type.
Use to_object< your type >(json) to create an object from a json.
#include "confu_json/to_json.hxx"
#include "confu_json/to_object.hxx"
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/json/src.hpp> // if you use boost json header only this file should be included only in one translation unit
BOOST_FUSION_DEFINE_STRUCT((shared_class), Nested, (long, answer)) // used to define a struct
int main() {
using namespace confu_json;
auto nested = shared_class::Nested{};
nested.answer = 42;
std::cout << to_json(nested) << std::endl; // converts the struct into json and prints it
auto nestedTest = to_object<shared_class::Nested>(to_json(nested)); // converts the struct into json and back into an object
assert(nested.answer == nestedTest.answer);
Exampls for defining types: ""
Exampls for usage: ""
boost::json -> json handling
boost::mpl and boost::fusion -> template metaprogramming