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Security: wet-boew/cdts-sgdc




Do not post any security issues on the public repository! Security vulnerabilities must be reported by email to ...

Verifying commits

This project will need you to use GPG to verify commits. Please read About commit signature verification.

Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

All members to this project will need to have 2FA enabled to merge any code into the repository. Read more about Securing your account with two-factor authentication (2FA) on the Github site.

Do not post any security issues on the public repository! Security vulnerabilities must be reported by email to NC-SGDC-CDTS-GD


Ne publiez aucun problème de sécurité sur le dépôt publique! Les vulnérabilités de sécurité doivent être signalées par courriel à NC-SGDC-CDTS-GD

There aren’t any published security advisories