WSS (WFP Self Service) is a mixed Django / React.JS application. Each page is served by Django and it's a container for plain React.JS components. Data binding is binding directly by React and the Django server will act as Rest API.
In order for the application to run, requirements are:
- Node.JS, along with its package manager.
- Run
brew install node
- Python, along with its package manager PIP. It should be already installed.
- Install Django
- Run
python -c "import django; print(django.get_version())"
- Run
sudo pip install Django
- Checkout the project from github
- Run
git clone
- *Install npm dependencies
- Run
npm install
- Install webpack
- Run
npm install --save-dev webpack
- Install MkVirtualEnv
- Run
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
- Run
./mkvirtualenv wssdemo
- Create the user configuration file
- In /settings, duplicate (posgres) or (sqlite) and rename it with your OS username
- Setup configuration files
- Run
pip install -r src/requirements/install.any.pip
- Run
pip install -r src/requirements/develop.pip
- Run
pip install -r src/requirements/django.pip
- Setup DB, choose whatever user, eg: guest 123
- Run
./ migrate
- Run
./ createsuperuser
- Run
npm run build
- Run
sudo npm link
- Run
cd demo && npm link wfp-wss-ui-react && npm run build
- Run
python runserver
WFP UI documentation can be found here: UI-DOC.
It won't be necessary by the 1st of September, static html+CSS was used for quickly prototype purposes.
- Run
gulp serve
to preview and watch for changes - Run
bower install --save <package>
to install frontend dependencies - Run
gulp serve:test
to run the tests in the browser - Run
to build the webapp for production - Run
gulp serve:dist
to preview the production build
- Install Facebook Watchman:
- Run the following:
sudo npm install -g wml
npm install
wml add lib/ demo/node_modules/wfp-ui-reactjs/lib/
-cp package.json demo/node_modules/wfp-ui-reactjs/
wml start
In another terminal
cd demo
npm install
npm run build
cd demo
npm run build
python runserver
WFP UI documentation can be found here: UI-DOC.