This is the HPB Java API which implements the Generic JSON RPC spec.
You need to run a local HPB node to use this demo.
open package io.hpb.web3.controller;
private Admin admin;
@ApiOperation(value="Search the transaction receipt according to the transaction hash",
notes = "Query the transaction receipt according to the transaction hash"
+ " reqStrList [ parameter1:transaction hash]")
public List<Object> QueryByHash(@RequestBody List<String> reqStrList)throws Exception{
List<Object> list=new ArrayList<Object>();
if(reqStrList!=null&&reqStrList.size()>0) {
String transactionHash = reqStrList.get(0);
HpbGetTransactionReceipt receipt = admin.hpbGetTransactionReceipt(transactionHash).send();
if(!receipt.hasError()) {
TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = receipt.getResult();
if(transactionReceipt.isStatusOK()) {
return list;
@ApiOperation(value="Get the current block number",notes = "Get the current block number")
public List<Object> getCurrentBlock()throws Exception{
List<Object> list=new ArrayList<Object>();
HpbBlockNumber blockNumber = admin.hpbBlockNumber().sendAsync().get(WEB3J_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
return list;
You can find more examples in the example