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Bootstrap Icons Twig Integration

Twig Integration for Bootstrap Icons. This bundle is inspred by marcw/twig-heroicons.


composer require whatwedo/twig-bootstrap-icons

Twig Integration

Just register the extension

$twig->addExtension(new BootstrapIconsExtensions());

Symfony Integration

// bundles.php
return [
    whatwedo\TwigBootstrapIcons\whatwedoTwigBootstrapIconsBundle::class => ['all' => true],


Outputs the SVG

{{ bootstrap_icon('alarm') }}

you can pass an array as second argument to add attributes to the <svg>-tag:

{{ bootstrap_icon('alarm', {
    class: 'text-gray-500 mr-3 h-6 w-6'
    alt: 'alarm clock'
}) }}