A nimble Elixir library that provides a Ecto.Type
for fields that come in as Unix timestamps.
defp deps do
# ...,
{:ecto_unix_timestamp, "~> 0.1.0"}
Use this Ecto type in your schemas. You'll have to choose the precision of the Unix timestamp, and the underlying database data type you want to store the data as.
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "users" do
field :created_at, EctoUnixTimestamp, unit: :second, underlying_type: :utc_datetime
Once you have this, you can cast Unix timestamps:
import Ecto.Changeset
changeset = cast(%User{}, %{created_at: 1672563600}, [:created_at])
fetch_field!(changeset, :created_at)
#=> ~U[2023-01-01 09:00:00Z]
Released under the MIT license. See the license file.