I converting this mess of bash scripts into an ansible install
use xcode command to install make
xcode-select --install
make commmands:
make install
make run
make gitssh
make extensions
- install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
- install ansible
brew install ansible
- run the playbooks
ansible-playbook ansible/main.yml -i "localhost,"
ansible-playbook ansible/macos.yml -i "localhost,"
- set global git configs
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com
- create a public ssh key & add it to ssh-agent
- log in to github, and add the newly created key
- install iterm2 profile
- import rectangle configs
- run
Makefile commandscursor-import-extensions
- add browswer extensions to brave browser
help list make commands
install install homebrew and apps
setup-homebrew install homebrew
setup-apps install apps
check run playbooks in check mode
run run playbooks normally
gitssh setup git ssh
extensions install browser extensions
cursor-export-extensions [cursor] export extensions
cursor-import-extensions [cursor] import extensions
cursor-show-keybindings [cursor] show keybindings
cursor-export-keybindings [cursor] export keybindings
cursor-import-keybindings [cursor] import keybindings
cursor [cursor] run import commands