JAVA2.0 (JWEB-JAVA) is invented by wilmix jemin j in JWEB
at year 2016 and it consists of 25 modules simillar to Remotewebapplication SKY P.L JWEB.
JAVA2.0 is part of JDollar(JWEB) and it is otherwise known as Jdollarpart12(JWEB12).
JAVA2.0 is used only with JWEB. Since in most cases JAVA P.L class files with struts ,spring ,etc will
will not run in Wilmixcatserver for cloud computing. SO JAVA2.0 is focused.
since JAVA/j2ee is a normal P.L.
JAVA2.0 is divided into 25 latest sub modules they are
[JAVA2.0.1 ,JAVA2.0.2 upto JAVA2.0.25].