Simple example how to make web applicaiton to store/display some dummy data.
Java 1.8 Spring Boot JPA / Hibernate H2 Junit Lombok Maven Angular Twitter Bootstrap
mvn clean package
- copy war file into Tomcat's webapp folder and run: sh run
- from IDE run Application class as usual main class
Visit http://localhost:8080/user-registration/
src/main/java - contains all server-side related code src/main/frontend - contains all frontend related code src/main/resources - contains different application properties
Lombok plugin (in case of running it from IDE) NodeJS npm copyfiles (npm uses it) Tomcat
Server side Maven: mvn clean package
Frontend side NPM: npm run build (will copy optimized sources from 'frontend' folder into 'src/main/resources/static')
- to run frontend from command line navigate to 'frontend' folder and execute 'npm start' in terminal
- to data stored in in-memory database visit following url: http://localhost:8080/user-registration/console (there is no password, so just hit connect button)