This library for .NET provides functionality to parse IL source code. If you're not aware, Microsoft Intermediate Language (IL or CIL, formerly known as MSIL) is what the .NET application typically consists of. C#, Visual Basic, F#, and other well-known official .NET languages compile to IL bytecode. However, IL actually has its syntax as well. ILSourceParser parses the IL syntax into syntax nodes, making it easier to analyze IL.
ILSourceParser aims to be the comprehensive parser for Microsoft Intermediate Language for .NET. Supports:
- Leading and trailing trivia
- Detecting line/column where a syntax error occurs
- Source file specification
- Asynchronous parsing
- Parsing the following types:
- Method parameters:
- [out], [opt] and [in] prefixes
- Marshalling (IL
function) - Optional parameter names
- Method Locals:
- Supports
and.locals init
directives in methods
- Supports
- Type parsing:
- Optional assembly reference, such as
- Generic type references
- Generic parameter references like
or !!T` - Nested generic type references (e.g. generic type reference passed to parameter of generic type passed to parameter of generic type and so on)
- Optional assembly reference, such as
- Attributes:
- Custom attributes
- Anonymous custom attributes (e.g. with byte data omitted)
- Comments:
- Inline and multiline comments
- Directives:
- Most if not all IL directives are supported, such as
,.file alignment
,.hash algorithm
, and more
- Most if not all IL directives are supported, such as
- And more
- Method parameters:
This library does not rely on any existing project and is not a port from another language, so chances are there could be some issues with this library. If you encounter one, please create a new issue post about it!
The known issue is that ILSourceParser might not be the fastest thing in the world, because it took nearly 1 second to analyze a 200-line of code IL file. Maybe it just needs some additional JIT warming, although there could be a different reason - parsing IL is generally harder than parsing C#, mostly because IL has almost 300 instructions, and we have to do over 300 checks when parsing method body to parse one instruction.
Available on NuGet:
var syntaxTree = ILSyntaxTree.ParseText(@".assembly MyAssembly { }");
var root = syntaxTree.GetRoot();
foreach (SyntaxNode node in root.DescendantNodes)
// do something with node
ILSourceParser is generally really similar to Roslyn, even though it doesn't rely on it at all.
A more complex example here:
using ILSourceParser;
using ILSourceParser.Syntax;
using ILSourceParser.Syntax.Instructions;
using Sprache;
string input = @".assembly MyAssembly
.ver 1:2:3:4
.assembly extern System.Runtime
.assembly extern System.Console
// My Cool Application !
.imagebase 0x00400000
.line 123
.class public sequential auto ansi beforefieldinit MyValueType extends [System.Runtime]System.ValueType
.field private static initonly string s_myString
.method public static hidebysig void .cctor() cil managed
ldstr ""Hello, World!""
stsfld string MyValueType::s_myString
.method public static void PrintText() cil managed
.maxstack 8
ldsfld string MyValueType::s_myString
call void [System.Console]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
var syntaxRoot = ILSyntaxTree.ParseText(input).GetRoot();
foreach (var descendant in syntaxRoot.DescendantNodes)
switch (descendant)
case AssemblyDeclarationSyntax asm:
Console.WriteLine($"Assembly {asm.AssemblyName}, is external: {asm.IsExtern}");
case BaseCommentSyntax comment:
if (comment is InlineCommentSyntax inline)
Console.WriteLine($"Inline comment, text: {inline.CommentText}");
else if (comment is MultilineCommentSyntax multiline)
Console.WriteLine($"Multiline comment, text: {multiline.CommentText}");
case ImageBaseDirectiveSyntax imageBase:
Console.WriteLine($"Image base {imageBase.ImageBase}");
case LineDirectiveSyntax line:
Console.WriteLine($"Line {line.Line}");
case ClassDeclarationSyntax @class:
string flags = string.Join(", ", @class.Flags);
Console.WriteLine($"Class named {@class.Name}; flags: {flags}");