WP-Plugin Like Counter for Videos
The "Like Counter for Videos" plugin allows users to give "likes" to embedded videos on a WordPress page. By double-tapping a video, a like heart will be displayed, and the like count will increase. Likes are stored locally for each video, and the heart disappears after a 500 mls.
- Author: Winston Porras - WinstonDev
- Author URI: https://winstondev.site/
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
- Version: 1.0.0
- Download the plugin ZIP file.
- Upload the ZIP file to your WordPress installation in the Plugins section.
- Activate the plugin from the WordPress admin panel.
- Ensure your videos have the class "reel".
- On mobile devices, double-tap a video to give a like.
- Watch as a heart appears and the like count increases.