This is my vim config. There are many like it but this one is mine.
It is supercharged for AngularJS development; it uses some great Javascript indentation and syntax plugins.
It also uses YouCompleteMe + tern.js + AngularJS plugin for mind-blowing completion of plain javascript as well as resolving dependencies injected through AngularJS.
git clone --recursive ~/vim_config
ln -s ~/vim_config/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
vim +BundleInstall +qall
pip install --user git+git://
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe && ./
cd ~/.vim/bundle/tern_for_vim && npm install
wget -P ~/.vim/bundle/tern_for_vim/node_modules/tern/plugin
I use a patched version of Source Code Pro as it's a great monospaced font and contains glyphs which work flawlessly with Powerline. To install it under Ubuntu:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
wget -P ~/.local/share/fonts